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I have now joined the ranks of the Gremlins!


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19 hours ago, Merellin said:

Two models built so far. Built Ophelia yesterday, And Pere Ravage today. Very small parts.. Though so far it has gone well, Exept for Pere's pig.. I lost one of the straps to the black hole that is the carpet..

Take a vacuum cleaner but use a pantyhose (or similar) to cover the nozzle - great for finding small parts lost in the carpet!

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I know that this doesnt suit Malifaux so much, but i like to do thematic lists - The kin with Ophelia, merris an sammy. then add slop haulers for flavor. 

If you haven't built the Gremlin runt that is trying to escape the bayou gator, then you haven't seen little yet.

It's like a whole model made of Yan Lo's beards 

and welcome to the best faction!

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6 minutes ago, Kofibrake said:

I know that this doesnt suit Malifaux so much, but i like to do thematic lists - The kin with Ophelia, merris an sammy. then add slop haulers for flavor. 

It might not tbe the most razor-sharply optimal list for every situation but quite competitive nonetheless, I think. If I needed to go to a tournament and were allowed to buy, e.g., three things, that composition would be very high on my list. 

6 minutes ago, Kofibrake said:

It's like a whole model made of Yan Lo's beards


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9 hours ago, Kofibrake said:

I know that this doesnt suit Malifaux so much, but i like to do thematic lists - The kin with Ophelia, merris an sammy. then add slop haulers for flavor.

I would argue that the Gremlin's are one of the only factions that can get away with theme lists that are also competitive. Possibly the only real let downs in this regard are the Brew Master (really better suited to Ten Thunders than Gremlins) and perhaps Zoraida (though she isn't really gremlin anyway). All the other Masters run really well with their themed crews.

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11 hours ago, Omenbringer said:

I would argue that the Gremlin's are one of the only factions that can get away with theme lists that are also competitive. Possibly the only real let downs in this regard are the Brew Master (really better suited to Ten Thunders than Gremlins) and perhaps Zoraida (though she isn't really gremlin anyway). All the other Masters run really well with their themed crews.

There's a lot of Masters who work really well in theme. Marcus, Ramos, Ironsides, and Rasputina, with Mei Feng, Kaeris, and Sandeep (probably) working quite well as well. So only Colette excluded and she works nicely in theme as well but Langston and Acolytes are probably a bit better. On the Resser side McMourning, Kirai, Nico, Molly, Yan Lo, and Seamus work well in their themes with Tara not really having much of a theme on the Resser side and Reva being a bit of a question mark currently. And so on.

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