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Conditions and "order" type action



A number of models have rules that allows other models to take actions, for example Lucius' "Commanding presence" and "Issue command", The Judge's "Combat effectiveness" and the general "Obey" action. I was wondering how these kinds of rules work with certain conditions, starting with Focused. Focused states that the model may remove the condition "when declaring an Action". But when a model causes another model to take the Action, which model is declaring it? The wording on both Lucius' abilities, which says "[the target] may immediately take a (1) Action", seems to suggest that it is the target model that declares the Action. Same thing with the Judge. Obey is a little bit different, since it states that "[the target] immediately performs a (1) Action chosen and controlled by this model's controller". That last bit could be interpreted that the action is actually declared by the model using Obey. However, the FAQ states that Obey can be used make a model use up its Vengeance bullet, and that upgrade only works when the owning model declares an action. And that suggests that all kinds of actions that order another model (friendly of otherwise) could be used to remove Focused (and benefit from it). What do you think?

My other question is how these types of rules work with the Paralyzed condition. Paralyzed states that a model generates no AP and may not declare any Actions "during its Activation". However, the "ordered" Actions do not require AP and are done outside of the model's Activation. Does this mean that you can still order a Paralysed model to take actions?

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Just as you correctly stated, Paralyzed models are only forbidden to declare Action during their Activation. Other models can still use Obey or other similar abilities on them and have them take actions.

As for declaring actions; declaring the action is the first step in taking the action. A model can never take an action without declaring an action, and it is also always the model itself that does the declaring. The player controlling the action controls everything about the model for the duration of that action. They can use upgrades, abilities and conditions as if they were the model's owner. The controlling player also uses his own soulstones and cards if he wants to discard or use any during the activation.

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The important reason for the difference in the wording between Lucius and Obey, is that commanding presence only works on friendly models,so doesn't need to change the controller, but because you can obey enemy models they put in the text to clarify that the controller of the model that cast obey controls the action that obey causes. 

When a model takes an action it has to declare it. At this point, it can use up Focus etc that is on it. Its not the original model that is declarign the action. 

The best example I can think of is the twist and turn upgarde for Jack Daw, that gives a 1 action that allows Jack to perform a 1 action printed on another card, (so its jack performing the action and he can't take focus+1 etc from them. Also range and LOS are drawn from Jack)) and a (0) action that "obeys" the model to take the action so you could use Focus from that model,a nd LOS and range are drawn from that model 


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