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Gencon - To buy or not to buy?


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I live in Australia so buying directly from Wyrd America is very pricey with shipping as well as the weak AUD.

My question is how long (roughly) will it take for all the models at Gencon to be released and available normally?

That would be of great assistance to help decide whether I remortgage  my house or wait till stuff is available in Australia. Thanks!

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All said and done, if you look at The Combat Companies (just using these guys as an example because they're so prolific here) pricing before their discount, we're still paying slightly under what would be normal Australian RRP by ordering direct from Wyrd (TCC list the RRP of the rulebooks as $65au, while $45us comes to $60au at the moment). Add shipping on top, and you'll probably come on on Australian RRP.

Generally because of this I limit myself to LE models during Wyrd sales because I prefer to just buy regular releases at my FLGS or if they don't have it, TCC (who are basically my second FLGS). However, I'm not super enamoured with The Wild Ones, I've been waiting a long time for the Mysterious Emmisary, and I absolutely love Titanias crew box and want to read her fluff in Ripples of Fate. So Wyrd gets those sales direct from me this year. 

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I'm kinda in the same boat here, other than I don't have a FLGS to give my loyalty to so I basically make two Wyrd orders a year; Gencon and Black Fr (I'm a sucker for LEs!). 

I really want to know if the new crew boxes will be available for Black Friday so I can wait till then to maximise my specials!  

If they're not going to be available for Black Friday then I want to buy Asami and Titania now.

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