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Help me with a Marcus list

Anung Un Rama

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I have only played a few games of henchman size but i have jumped int eh deep end and will be attending a tournament at the end of the month. I bought the Marcus box and a Blessed of December plus a box of raptors. I am looking for suggestions on refining the list. I wont be adding any models yet as i want to learn the game as best i can with what I have to start with. I expect to get smashed but I would like to have a chance some of the time. I am looking for suggestions on upgrades etc to get it up to 50ss. Is the Jackalope worth taking?


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2 hours ago, Morgy said:

Is the Jackalope worth taking?

Absolutely yes... unless it's the headhunter strategy (Gaining Grounds 2016), then the little guy might be more of a liability. 

Honestly Marcus has a very decent boxed set, however some people are on the fence with Cojo. I tend to like him, but only when the situation calls for him. The cerberus is fantastic, as is the blessed. They will provide you plenty of hitting power on top of Marcus himself. 

The almost mandatory combo is to take Imbued Energies (a generic arcanist upgrade) on Myranda. When she shape shifts, it counts as her being sacrificed and triggers the 4 card draw on the upgrade (also the jackalope if it's dead). If you can, I highly suggest finding this upgrade as it's also amazing on the cerberus/blessed since it gives out "fast".  

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Jackalope is awesome, You will learn sooner or later how important it's to have more Activations than less. Also, with some luck, Jackie can succesfully get rid of some minor threat when charging, having dmg spread at 3/3/4 and a possible charge range of 15" (7+7+1).

Since You already have Raptors, consider buying Angelica and giving her Practice Production upgrade - You can't go wrong with this one, Raptor can safely bury anywhere on the table, then on the next turn Angelica puts a Scheme Marker near it.

Taking 1 Raptor (and no other minion / peon) can force Your opponent to choose different scheme when the Hunting Party is on the list.

You still lack some scheme runners, think about Hoarcat Pride (you can get 2-3 from one box) - cheap, decent dmg, pretty sustainable. Other good scheme runners that fit thematically: Canine Remains (from Ressurectionists) or Molemen (require a bit more tactic).


As for the hard hitters: Killjoy (Outcasts, Mercenary) is always good, especially since You have Myranda (and can choose when You want to unbury him to bring wrath upon your enemies) or Raptor (unbury Raptor to engage some important model with low Df preferably and either let it die and bring out Killjoy or let Your opponent waste cards to disengage from Ml5). Rogue Necromancy (Ressurectionists) brings some more hard hitting and is one of the few Beast models that can attack at range (with blasts).


Cheers and good luck!

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1 hour ago, Emeryt said:

You still lack some scheme runners, think about Hoarcat Pride (you can get 2-3 from one box) - cheap, decent dmg, pretty sustainable. Other good scheme runners that fit thematically: Canine Remains (from Ressurectionists) or Molemen (require a bit more tactic).

Even single Silurid would be a good choice. These guys are absolutely awesome for scheme running although quite pricey (hence single model suggestion).

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Without buying anything new there are several ways you can play with what you have. I might have my Marcus upgrades the wrong way round, so I've put the main bonus I'd be lookign for each tim after it in brackets)


Holding the middle List

Marcus (The Gods domain (the +2 df one), Imbued protection, Arcane Resevoir


Cojo (imbued protection)

Myranda (imbued energies)

Blessed of December (Imbued energies)

Razorspine Rattler



Use Marcus and Cojo to hold the area, backed up with Myrandas support. Blessed and Razorspine can pick on enemy scheme runners, and other weaker models. 


Hitting Hard List

Marcus (Trail of the gods, (+2 damage), imbued energies, Arcane resevoir)

Cerberus (Imbued energies)

Blessed of December (imbued energies)

Myranda (pack Leader)


Razorspine Rattler

2 raptors

Use your leapers and Marcus  to pick on the important enemy models, using the fast from imbued energies on the crucial kill turns. Try and not sacrifice myranda untill you have eitehr the Blessed or the cerberus for her to summon back. 

The jackolope and the raptors are for extra activation control, and I would probably change for something else if you had it. 


Interact heavy games

I started to write a list and realised it was pretty much the same list as above, but I would play it very differently, keeping your distance, and  using leap and fast to get to where you need to be at the right time. Raptors can be used to hold up enemy models. 


There are probably several other ways to play what you have. I don't typically take advantage of in game beast synergies, but you could consider a hold the center list that was based on raptors enraging the enemy and then Marcus domesticting to put everything on  negative flips. 

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