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Condition removal

Da Git

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So it appears Neverborn are incredibly limited when it comes to condition removal.  I look really enviously at Witchling Stalkers and especially Chiaki the Crutch.  We've got:

The Dreamer --> Great if you're playing him as your master, but really you probably want him doing other stuff first.  Plus it doesn't help if you want to play another master, so let's ignore him

Mysterious Emissary -->  expensive at 10ss, His Nature Reclaims action come with a built in trigger to remove all conditions at the hefty price of 2 or 4 wounds.

Scion of Black Blood -->  a bit cheaper at 8ss, friendly models activating within :aura6 can discard 2 cards to remove all conditions

Johan (a dirty Merc...) --> the cheapest at 7ss, needs a 4:ram to target a friendly model within 10" to remove all conditions.

I think Johan is probably the best one out of these guys here.  good range, minimal cost (at the risk of not having the right suit though... ).  He also has a very solid hammer to back it up with some decent resilience.  I also want to try out the Scion, that shotgun looks alright and the blade has a very solid damage spread the (0) Interact spell could be a game winner too.  I think the Emissary is probably the worst as you really want him doing other stuff like shooting your enemies, summoning Changlings and making Hungry Land Markers.


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I like the package the Scion gives. A semi obey (friendly only), a decent gun, a decent melee attack with a trigger self heal (which can heal someone else within 3") and condition removal (with a hefty discard of two cards). It's a real jack of all trades model though - none of it is particularly great, but there's a lot on that one model. If I wasn't so against proxying I'd give it a try, but I haven't bought the starter yet.

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If you looking for general condition removal go Johan but if you are looking at a condition removal to keep you going forward go scion.

Johan is useful in the late turn to remove fire or poison which I can not count on the scion doing so because the models which gain them may have already activated.

Where the scion shines is the removal of slow or paralyze without having to activate. Both these conditions and the scion ability come into play on a model at the same time so as the activating player you choose the order. I will ditch to cards to make a mature no longer slow or paralyzed.

I feel what it comes down to is what you want, the scion is better for me because I am more worried about speed then damage and that is where he shines on his removal over Johan.

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1 hour ago, Da Git said:

That's a great analysis @D_acolyte

What about taking both, they both seem to have good utility (Johan's hammer, Scion's gun & knife and interact "obey"), Johan is a bit slow, so I'd probably want someone to give him a boost to hopefully get him into Flurry range!

That all comes down to points, i tend to only take one because i like room for other fun things and tend to start a game with 7 models.

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There's also the Arcane Effigy if you're playing Collodi.

And regards to the Dreamer's condition removal, it generates a free re-use of his Empty Night action so you can still use again it to give fast, healing, generate a (1) Ml action from someone or even use it again to remove another condition, which in turn generates another free use of Empty night, so it's not exactly a waste of his AP.

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