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Pushes and direction



I have read over the cards and rule book, however i can't see where it's not allowed. 

Most pushes say push target model X" in any direction..... may be silly question but up is a direction right? because if so then they would go X" up and fall incurring fall damage on their return trip to land right?

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1 hour ago, JudgeDread said:

I have read over the cards and rule book, however i can't see where it's not allowed. 

Most pushes say push target model X" in any direction..... may be silly question but up is a direction right? because if so then they would go X" up and fall incurring fall damage on their return trip to land right?

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Have a look at the FAQ concerning pushes and falling:


8) Q: If a model is pushed off of an edge high enough to necessitate a fall, does it fall immediately? Could it be pushed far enough to reach another surface of equal height (assuming there was such a surface)?

A: Models which fall due to a push, fall immediately (models also generally fall immediately during regular movement unless they have Flight or Incorporeal). The model would be pushed off of the ledge and then immediately fall and take any necessary falling damage upon reaching the ground. Then, if there is any distance left required by the push (and the model is still in play), it will push the remaining distance. (5/1/16)

In other words, if you could push a model straight up, what would happen is that it would leave the ground by a infinitesimal fraction of an inch, immediately fall back onto the ground harmlessly, and then repeat the process until you ran out of push distance.  The end result would not be to travel X" up into the air and then fall.  (If you push a model off of a ledge, the model falls with its base in contact with the wall.  Because, as the FAQ says, the model falls immediately if it's going to fall during its movement.  So the won't leave the ground in anything except a calculus limit manner.)

Then, since the model didn't manage to be pushed anywhere, it would count as not being pushed for abilities that trigger off of pushes (Pounce, etc.)  All the model would accomplish is performing an incredibly elaborate 0" push because this isn't calculus.   (See "A zero inch push isn't a push" FAQ entry.)

Edited by solkan
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So, I can't help but think this is one of those situations where we shouldn't worry about what we 'could' do and take a look at what we 'should' do. I don't have my rulebook in front of me, so I'm not entirely sure if there exists a definition for the word 'direction' that includes or excludes anything in particular in the specific context of the game of Malifaux. While you may be correct in including 'up' in your collection of directions when it comes to a definition for the word in the English language, I'm just about positive that's not the intent here when it comes to gameplay.

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