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Avatar Question

Fetid Strumpet


I got myself tangled up in an Avatar rules question based on, well let's not talk about that...

The gist of the question boils down to the manifest event on the avatar itself and the one on the manifest options. My understanding was you had to pick one or the other, but in looking through the rules in Shifting Loyalties I couldn't actually find the rule that says that. As far as I can tell from the book you get both. Can someone direct me to the page that clarifies this as I'm sure I'm just overlooking it.


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The part where you get a choice of manifest events:


Each Manifestation card lists a manifest event that the Master may choose when it manifests. Additionally, the Pre-Manifest side of the Avatar Upgrade may also list a manifest event which is unique to that Avatar and may be chosen instead of the one listed on the Manifestation card.

When a Master manifests, it may choose only one of the manifest events available to it.

That's in the rules manual on page 68, under Manifest Events.

Edit:  Just to be clear, you have all of the options available to you:

  • The manifest event for the Manifest Option you selected, if it has one.
  • The manifest event from the Pre-Manifest side of the Avatar card, if it has one.
  • The manifest event from the Manifest side of the Avatar card, if it has one.  (I don't know if any of the cards have this one...)

BUT you only get to use one of them when you manifest. 

Edited by solkan
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