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Pandora crew advice?

The Warlock

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Not wanting to hijack the sort of recent thread on Pandora,

I played my first game with Pandora a few nights back and while the end result was a 5-6 loss, the list I used was fragile and...not that great. 3 sorrows, 3 madnesses, Iggy and Widow Weaver was not the best list ever, despite getting the sorrows to slingshot into B2B with the opposing master (Lynch) for public demonstration. Having consulted in AWP on the book of Faces to find out how misery works (a point of confusion for both my opponent and myself- I don't know if I got more than 1 point of damage off from it), Pandora's base crew makes much more sense with all the manipulative and lure abilities. By end game, I had nothing on field as everything had too few wounds and cast actions are a bane to incorporeal.

Outside of adding a Teddy and/or lilitu, what upgrades would suit Pandora given that I want to use her full crew box and go from there?

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Hi, I'm Pandora's player, too. Plus, I had pleasure to meet the best Pandora's player in Krakow, Ozzy. He's the real winning machine in a highy competitive environment.

As you have already noticed, your list has too many fragile pieces.

I personally love Sorrows, but Imho 3 are too much, unless you want to set up markers for Convict Labor scheme turn 1. Most people prefer to use 1 or none, I think 2 are optimal. To keep them in good shape you have to take Iggy and use Martyr ability. Iggy's a great model, especially with Show of force in a scheme pool. But back to sorrows: they're super fast, they help you against models with common defensive abilities, late in turn 2 they can paralyze things to set up great turn 3 for you, they can rock in interference, but even such Sorrow enthusiast as I sometimes leave them in a box. You don't want them in reckoning, or when you hunting party is in the pool. Ozzy rarely use them.

Madnesses are great scheme runners and debuffers, but you'll rarely need more than 2.

Pandora loves the Widow and It's almost auto-include model for Ozzy.


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Personally I find Widow Weaver very powerful especially in strategies that favor concentrating your models in one place. In my games she's usually left unmolested, because opponents are too busy fighting off Pandora, her Woes, and maybe Teddy.

As for upgrades, Ozzy tend to play her with On the Wings of Darkness, Fears Given Form, The Box Opens and full cache. The point is to make your enemies reluctant to attack her.
New GG2016 schemes favor Masters supporting the Crew, so I suggest you to start experimenting with Voices, Cry for Me and/or Fugue State.

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Take Teddy, Poltergeist and Candy. Poltergeist give negative flip on wp to enemies and it is very powerful with Pandora. Just imagine - you give "mood swings" to some weak enemy minions, then activate poltergeist and put him in 1inch from enemy important model, after that probably enemy would try activate this "important" model, but you use mood swing and he activate some weak minion. So now you should activate teddy and use his 0 (Gobble You UP) on enemy "important model", usually it is quit easy to resist for enemy this 0 action from Teddy because it is only CA 4  vs WP  but with negative flip it will be hard :) and in case if teddy was in 6 inches he will immediately attack his target due to "Smell Fear". After that you will have Teddy with 2 AP  near target and if it is quit resilient model you can use flurry and kill it.

Candy is very powerful model with Pandora - again you can use "incite" on already activated model and then just move candy in engagement with this model> so next turn you can auto paralyze  enemy model just by using mood swing and force to make first activation on enemy model which engaged with Candy. Beside this Candy bring great heal to crew, just take her "Depression" upgrade and she can use 3 heals per turn - in that way I heal Pandora from "almost dead"  to "full HP" in one activation.

Poltergeist - beside negative flip to wp, is very good model :) his attacks are against WP so enemy tagert will make def flips with negative flip and if he loose - then it will get auto "slow" + trigger "misery" from Pandora. Also it is "minion" so it can make interact actions.

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