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Some questions about list & advices !


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Hi all, in first place, i introduce myself !

First thing, i appologize for my bad english, i understand this language very well but that's hard for me to talk/write !! i hope all my mistakes don't make you cry blood too much ;) 

I know malifaux since few years but i just started to play for real at this game... and i definitly love it. I study the rules book since 2 weeks and finaly, i fix myself on this awsome faction neverborn. After that, i focus on 3 masters (pandora / lynch / collodi) and create alone, without experience, 3 lists. 
I know make a "generic" list on malifaux is not a good thing because that's change a lot with the primary and other scenarios but that's a way for me to know what miniature i buy in first and have some "pre-build" list for my first games.

And today, i need you to have your opinion about my list, give me some answer about thing i don't understand and maybe, have some advices ^^ ! I try to explain for all my list what i want and the goal when i create it !


That's probably the list that i like least... I have many models who have good synergy with "brillance characteristic" but i don't have many synergies with "ace in the hole" ... don't know if that's a problem or not. I have 2 variants and i don't know wich one take and if play only in brillance is a good way. What kind of model can i take to maximise the "ace in the hole" capacity ?

First one :                                                                                                             Second one :

JAKOB LYNCHE : Woke up with a hand / the rising sun / wanna see a trick      5ss      JAKOB LYNCHE : Woke up with a hand / the rising sun / wanna see a trick     5ss  
 * Hungering darkness : Addict                                                                    1ss      * Hungering darkness : Addict                                             1ss
 * Beckoner                                                                                               7ss      * Beckoner                                                                        7 ss
 * Beckoner                                                                                               7ss      * Beckoner                                                                        7 ss
 * Illuminated                                                                                            7ss      * Illumanited                                                                      7ss
 * Illuminated                                                                                            7ss      * Illuminated                                                                       7ss
 * Doppleganger                                                                                        7ss      * Doppleganger : Retribution Eyes                                         8ss
 * Hans                                                                                                     9ss      * The depleated                                                                   4ss                                                                                                                                            * The depleated                                                                  4ss

And a little question about lynche, and to be more precise, about the hungering darkness. If i play hungry, later during the turn, he die, and after (again during the same turn) he come back in game (with rising sun upgrate), i can play him or he considerate like already play ? 


For this one, i don't use Spirit models because ... i don't like them at all. Not in game, but just the visual !!! So i try to find an other way to generate many WP test without them !! Finaly, i finish with this list. I add a mysterious effigy for the last 4 points but i admit i don't know if it's a good choise or not... i don't find an other thing :) 

PANDORA : box opens / wings of darkness / Aether connection                       4ss
 * Primordial magic                                                                                     2ss
 * Mr Graves                                                                                              9ss
 * Doppleganger : Retributions eye                                                              8ss
 * Nekima                                                                                                13ss
 * Johan                                                                                                    7ss
 * Mysterious Effigy                                                                                    4ss

 *ADD 3 soulstones                                                                                    3ss



For this one, i realy try to play with many effigy and puppet thing ... i guess that's normal !! Like for lynch, i have 2 lists and i don't know wich one take. The first one i take Aionus inside because .... i LOVE the visual of miniature and i want play this model !!! I put him with collodi because he add to my list many "control" and make that composition moreeeeee toxic with more trics !!! After, i don't know if it's the better choise, that's why i create a second list without him (because it cost realy expensive >< )


First one :                                                                                                                                       Second one :

COLLODI : fated / Strum the threads / Breathe life                                        3ss                COLLODI : fated / Strum the threads / Breathe life             3ss
 * Stiched together                                                                                     6ss                 * Stiched together                                                           6ss
 * Stiched together                                                                                     6ss                 * Stiched together                                                           6ss
 * Doppleganger                                                                                        7ss                 * Doppleganger                                                              7ss
 * Aionus : Mimics Belssing                                                                       14ss                 * Vasilisa : a friend to talk                                                9ss
 * Arcane effigy                                                                                         4ss                 * Arcane effigy                                                                4ss
 * Brutal effigy                                                                                          4ss                  * Brutal effigy                                                                 4ss
 * Shadow effigy                                                                                       4ss                  * Shadow effigy                                                               4ss
                                                                                                                                      * Mysterious effigy                                                          4ss
 * ADD  2 soulstones                                                                                2ss                     ADD 3 soulstones                                                          3ss




So, thx to all person who take time to read me and help me a little bit to make my choise when i have 2 lists, or advice me for some synergies/changements...


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Firstly, the rules. 

If you activate hungering darkness and he then  gets killed, but because you have the Rising Sun Upgrade, he is buried instead of killed, then if you bring him back on that turn, you can't activate him again, he is the same Hungering Darkness. 

So in summary, no more than 1 hungering darkness activation in the same turn. 


You don't need to build a list to make the best use of all his abilities, but should you want to make use of Ace in the hole, you'll want to look at models that need to discard cards (so those with Flurry for a start) or those that can use an ace for something (Terror tots and Gupps both get a lot faster if you have the ace of Masks). Any model can discard a card to go defensive. 

There isn't much difference between the pairs of lists, and I would suggest just trying them and see how they work. I can't see anything in the list that says, that it just won't work, but they may or may not fit the way you play. (For example, I much prefer the upgrade that gives Hungering Darkness casting expert rather than the ability to stop him dying, but others would disagree. The list of 3 illuminated , a doppleganger and 2 beckoners would play quite differently depending on which of the upgrades you've bought)

If you are asking what should you buy to start, then I would advise picking one of the masters and then a couple of boxes, and go from there. 

So if you picked Jacob, buy the Doppleganger and the Beckoners box, and you can field a 50 ss crew from these, to see how it goes.  

The Collodi and the Pandora are more expensive to start since either, it is a lower ss cost box which you are wanting to buy several individual boxes for, or you are not hoping to use the rest of the box set. 

But I would still suggest starting with a few purchases to get to the 50 ss amount, play with what you have, and then work out where you struggle in the games, and what you really want to fill those gaps. 

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To be quite honest Stitched Together and Mr. Graves can work well with any of the Masters you point out. Probably Beckoners, too. This however does not mean that you need to buy any of them.
I would strongly suggest that you buy the Doppelganger, however. She is a great model. Remember: Put the Retribution's Eye upgrade only when you expect to deal a lot of damage and want to get through armor or defensive triggers. I also very, very much like Nekima and believe she is quite powerful as well.
Just like Adran said, Lynch is the cheapest to start with, and he is quite solid as well (more than solid really, powerful). If I were you I would choose the Master and crew that seem the most fun to play or have the best looking models, buy only as much as necessary to play and start playing. After some games you will have a grasp on the mechanics of the game and can decide how you want to expand your collection.
Your English isn't that bad, by the way :)

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On 4/23/2016 at 8:11 PM, Liwee said:

First one :                                                                                                             Second one :

JAKOB LYNCHE : Woke up with a hand / the rising sun / wanna see a trick      5ss      JAKOB LYNCHE : Woke up with a hand / the rising sun / wanna see a trick     5ss  
 * Hungering darkness : Addict                                                                    1ss      * Hungering darkness : Addict                                             1ss
 * Beckoner                                                                                               7ss      * Beckoner                                                                        7 ss
 * Beckoner                                                                                               7ss      * Beckoner                                                                        7 ss
 * Illuminated                                                                                            7ss      * Illumanited                                                                      7ss
 * Illuminated                                                                                            7ss      * Illuminated                                                                       7ss
 * Doppleganger                                                                                        7ss      * Doppleganger : Retribution Eyes                                         8ss
 * Hans                                                                                                     9ss      * The depleated                                                                   4ss                                                                                                                                            * The depleated                                                                  4ss


Beckoners are very thematic and they are not bad I would suggest replacing them with Mr. Graves if possible throwing a model up is very powerful with how slow the Depleted are. You should also think about list with heavy scheme pools. Tots are magic with Lynch if you get the 1 :mask and become a fast target with them. Hans is nice, but I prefer Convict Gunslingers (discard ace pick up ace, think what that could do). 


Side note: your English is fine no need to excuse it, your post reads better than most on this forum. 


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12 hours ago, RobertSirc said:

Beckoners are very thematic and they are not bad I would suggest replacing them with Mr. Graves if possible throwing a model up is very powerful with how slow the Depleted are. You should also think about list with heavy scheme pools. Tots are magic with Lynch if you get the 1 :mask and become a fast target with them. Hans is nice, but I prefer Convict Gunslingers (discard ace pick up ace, think what that could do). 


Side note: your English is fine no need to excuse it, your post reads better than most on this forum. 


Thx for all advices !!

indeed, i forget the convict gunslingers when i make that list and that's an awsome option, i try this during my next game !!

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