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Mei's Burning Golem Delivery Service


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Here's a bit of theory-faux that popped into my head. It's a lot of stones of investment, but it could pay off.



Mei with On Wings Of Wind

Rail Golem with Recalled Training

Sensei Yu with Low River Style

Monk of High River


Yes, that's 31ss to get this, and I'm not sure it would even work! Anyway, the plan is this:

Activate the Monk and charge the Rail Golem. Optionally discard something to get 3 attacks. Each attack delivers a minimum +1 Burning to the Golem. Cheat down damage as much as you are able.

Activate Sensei Yu and use Stones on the River to heal the Golem twice. It's a Ml action, so Yu's Brutal ability means you can add an additional +1 Burning to the Golem on each action. Now use Disciple to push the Golem 4" up the table using On Wings Of Wind.

Next activate Mei and push the Golem up the table again. Get up next to it and Vent Steam for safety.

Note that any rams flipped for the Golem's Df will contribute another +1 Burning. I make that a minimum of +5 Burning on turn 1. Activate the Golem to push it up by another 1.

On turn 2, pray that you get a few Tomes at 4+(!), then discard Recalled Training on the Golem and see what happens.


What do you think? Crazy enough to work, or just crazy?


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I mainly play Arcanists, where it's pretty trivial to give the Rail Golem massive amounts of burning if you want spend some AP (and without damaging it). But the bottle neck is always getting enough :tome. Also once you start hitting stuff each damaging hit give you burning +1 from the trigger on Rail Bash, so you don't need much burning if you do happen to have lots of :tome.

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I haven't messed around with "punch the fire into the rail golem" much yet, but here's a variation to consider:

When the Monk charges the Rail Golem and unless you've got a hand full of rams, relent.  The attacker still gets to declare a trigger but you get a really convenient :-fate:-fateon the damage flip due to the tie that relenting causes.  A 1/2/4 flip with :-fate:-fate versus Armor +2 is pretty good odds of one damage each attack.

Having the rail golem flip for defense only gives you a 1 in 4 chance of getting the defensive trigger in exchange for a whole lot of hassle.  Unless you've got a hand of low rams (so that you get the suit without accidentally winning against the friendly attacks), you're better off just having the golem relent each time it's the defender.



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I agree that if you want to get Locomotion off it's more an issue of Tomes but it might be cool to try Vent Boiler.

Might be nice to try out Vent Boiler, you can use Kamaitachi Turn 1 to get a lot of burning onto the Golem. Maybe better to push the Rail Golem before charging with the Monks given they can get some way up the board in the Turn. So about 9 Burning which I believe is 5 Burning in splash (rounded up) which you can improve early Turn 2. Obviously best to try waste cards with the rest of your crew first so that failure of the duel is more likely. But it seems like a high investment when the average Wk is 5 so only needs 7's to pass.

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