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Joss help needed


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Ive run into a little problem...When I got into Malifaux it was way back when they used metal models. At the time there was no need for certain models as the boxes were really meant to work with the models within them. I bought 2 Ramos starter boxes to get arachnids and the Executioners.

Now the problem is I need a Joss model cause I want to use him in the new campaign. But they dont sell just the model (that i could find). Where can I get one without having to buy yet another unneeded box?


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Sorry to slightly change topics but I could use some input about how to play Joss.

So lets get started 1. Joss is awesome :D 2. when i want something dead Joss can do it. 3. He seems pretty easy to use I give him either bleeding edge tech powered by flame imbued energy or imbued protection (I want to try soul stone recharge) march him up the field and kill anything in his path. Where I've been having some trouble is his killing does not seem to happen until about turn 3 for me, this could because my opponents know how deadly he is and are trying to avoid him. maybe I'm playing him wrong? the last 2 matches with him he's ended it at almost full heath (no heals were given to him) and I feel he is supposed to be in the thick of the fights not lagging behind the rest, he should be low on heath/triggered his reactive or even died to take out a model...or 3:P. I guess I just feel like I'm not using him to his fullest, any ideas?

thanks for the help in advance

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Don't send joss after enemy models.  Put him where the enemy needs to go and wait for them there.

Try using the brass arachnid to give him reactivate.  It greatly increases his threat range.  

If your opponents refuse to go near him the use that to your advantage. Create a no fly zone where you can scheme till your heart's content.

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