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Leveticus: pariah of bone or pariah of iron?


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It depends. Are you playing Outcasts or are you playing Leveticus?

The question may seem a bit strange, but if you look at all the non-faction models you can take with Outcast Masters and via Nix, the Resurrectionists are the major donors. If you play Outcasts and take a lot of out of faction models, you're likely to have a solid core of units you can take with Pariah of Bone.

If you start with Leveticus on the other hand it's likely that you'll be raiding the Arcanists, Guild, and to a lesser extent Neverborn, before grabbing Resurrectionist models so Pariah of Iron is the way to go.

One is not automatically stronger than the other, it's Leveticus after all, but your faction focus will often decide which is the most economical choice to take.

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10 minutes ago, Freman said:

It depends. Are you playing Outcasts or are you playing Leveticus?

The question may seem a bit strange, but if you look at all the non-faction models you can take with Outcast Masters and via Nix, the Resurrectionists are the major donors. If you play Outcasts and take a lot of out of faction models, you're likely to have a solid core of units you can take with Pariah of Bone.

If you start with Leveticus on the other hand it's likely that you'll be raiding the Arcanists, Guild, and to a lesser extent Neverborn, before grabbing Resurrectionist models so Pariah of Iron is the way to go.

One is not automatically stronger than the other, it's Leveticus after all, but your faction focus will often decide which is the most economical choice to take.

I have acquired Guild boxes mostly (Sonnia and Pardita) and the hired guns. I was actually thinking about buying Ryle now and was thinking which master would be complementary to him. So, I thought about Leveticus. Given your answer, Leveticus might not be a bad idea after all.

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With Leveticus, it helps to think of the crew that is going to follow the Master and not the Master hiring the crew. What I mean is that Leveticus doesn't have a real direct synergy to the models in his crew. You can bring in a cross-faction crew and the pieces will gel, while Leveticus is doing finishing blows. It really comes down to what kind of game do you want to play and how willing you are to lose friends! ?

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Yes. In a strange way it's Rusty Alyce who has more synergy with Leveticus's crew than Leveticus himself does. She can do the "generating Abominations" thing, as well as burning out constructs to give them reactivate (do not do that with Lazarus if there's a model in range that ignores armour). Leveticus sacrifices models to teleport, and generates Abominations when he kills things, but that's about it.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 3/7/2016 at 5:34 PM, SlackerLM said:

Many undead are also constructs, so you take Iron and not lose out on much. 

The entire University of Transmortis, for instance.


I play Pariah of Iron.  Bone limits me mostly to Ressers (and a few Ten Thunders), and if I wanted that I'd just play a Resser master.  Iron gives a LOT more options; sure, you won't be as awesome with your Constructs as Ramos or Hoffman would be, but you also get all those constructs PLUS the ability to take Outcast models without paying extra Mercenary costs, so you can use Outcast models to fill the roles your constructs and Abominations can't.  Toss a couple of the right Upgrades on Leveticus and Alyce and you can use Abominations to hold objectives and bulkier Constructs to hold your foes at bay.   

That said, most of the really good Constructs are in either the Hoffman or Ramos boxes, so chances are that playing Leveticus will result in you having Masters in other factions (...he said, having just ordered the M&SU and Of Metal and Flesh boxes...).

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