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Show of Force


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What to people think of this scheme? I think it's not a very strong take for our faction that enjoys lots of minions and not many extraneous upgrades, but regardless we have to be prepared to defend against it. Which Henchmen and Enforcers are our best models for this? What are the best upgrades to take on them without wasting points?

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Sybelle, who will generally run or both of her specific upgrades. Enforcers with Unnerving/Decaying Aura. Basically the stuff you take normally, just making an effort to take an extra on your henchmen/enforcer if possible and utilizing more movement tricks.

Show of Force counts upgrades, not their cost, for comparison, so dragging out an opposing henchmen with 2 upgrades really hurts your opponent, if you can utilize AP like that effectively.

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11 hours ago, Nicodemic said:

Yan Lo and company have been getting this pretty reliably for me, usually 4 to 5 upgrades near center and i can dance models out that would have counted for enemy

That's a lot of upgrades (since anything on a Master doesn't count), what are you taking?

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