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The Nova Open 2016: The Malifaux National Championships in Washington DC, registration tonight at 8:00pm


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I'd like to welcome you all to attend the 2016 Nova Open, the premiere wargaming convention on the East Coast. Held on the weekend before Labor Day, the Nova Open is 4 days of non stop gaming action, and is host to the 2nd Annual Malifaux North American Championships.  The best of the best will be competing there, and you can be part of that. 

The championship will be held over six rounds over two days. During the rest of the time, we have the Malifaux trios, where three player teams compete for glory and to show off their team spirit. We also have the Malifaux narrative campaign, a storyline in its third year, which saw the rise and fall of Nicodem's master plan, to the purging of the Quarantine and the pillaging of Washington, DC. This year sees the survivors of DC making the long journey back to the Breach, while they are pursued by the hounds of justice. It will be played as a 4 "week" campaign, with each day being a campaign week. 

In addition to all this, we'll be having our Henchman Hardcore, Enforcer Brawl, and we're adding Treacherous Ties to the list of formats you'll find at this amazing con. Justin Gibbs will be on hand, and we're aiming for other special guests as well. 

We can't wait to see you all there!



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Important announcement! Space in the Nationals is limited to 54 slots, and it did sell out last year! Get your tickets now, if not sooner!

And to anyone having issues registering right now, we appologize. The rush to register made PayPal freak out. Mike Brandt is on the phone right now resolving the issues. Stick with it if you have problems. 

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For those of you who listened to the Before We Begin special episode regarding the Nova Open, I'm here to let you know that I've received a lot of response in regards to the North American Championships, and it was unanimously in favor of making GG16's scheme set the *only* scheme set that would be used. 

Again, the 2016 Nova Open will only use GG2016 schemes for the Championships.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Update for all - Down to under 20 spots left for the Malifaux National Championships

Additionally, only 14 spots remain for the Narrative

6 spots remain for the Enforcer Brawl

6 spots remain for Hardcore

8 spots remain for Treacherous Ties

12 spots remain for the Trios Team event (12 team spots)

Also, while you can cancel your hotel room as long as it's 48 hours before the time of, we already sold the hotel block out and had to ask the Hyatt for an increase. They gave us all the rooms left in the hotel, but THAT larger block is now 75% gone.


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  • 4 weeks later...

Spaces continue to dwindle, so get yours now!

I'm fresh from a terrain day this past weekend, and we're actively working on our new town terrain set! We'll have quaint thatched roofed cottages to fight over! The buildings are good at breaking up sightlines, leading to more tactical games.

We also had very large ponds that dominated our Bayou Still boards, and we wanted to make them less of a burden, but also still keep the theme and the severe terrain aspect. So we've started working on smaller ponds to add to our larger pond terrain set, leading to more varied tables.

In addition to that, we worked up a few fences we can easily cast in order to mass produce them, so we'll see an increase of height one soft cover, a terrain type we wanted to increase from last year.

Check out the progress at the Road to Nova blog!



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  • 2 weeks later...

The fences are gonna look awesome!

Team scratch-built them, and now we've got molds for durability and volume. Anyone in the DC area looking to learn about terrain building and what-not should also ping us and come join NOVA terrain days. Free food, beer, and fun.


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  • 1 month later...
  • 4 weeks later...

With Ripples of Fate being so new, we’ve decided to leave the new models and Masters out of both the Trios and the North American Championships. The new models need some time to be fully understood by the community (and TOs!), so it’s unfair to put them in a competitive environment so soon after Gencon.


However,  we’ve decided that our more casual events are the perfect place for these great new models to stretch their wings. Or tentacles. Or whatever limbs they have! We don’t judge. The Narrative Campaign and Enforcer Brawl are the ideal place to try these new models out in a causal environment. The Henchman Hardcore and the Treacherous Ties format are both timed round format, so having an entirely new crew would be discouraged for both those events.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Regarding the new upgrades, the answer is no, for the sake of consistency. The upgrades are new, unfamiliar to most, and that spells disaster for competitive events. They *ARE* legal in the Narrative, as are all Wave 4 models.

Speaking of Wave 4 models, Aionus is the exception to the rest of the Wave 4 models, but for good reason. He is not a new model, having been released early. Most of us have familiarity with him, or at least have been given a chance to get familiar with him. In that context, Maht and I can see no reason he would not be allowed.

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So I'm running way late getting this news but I only just learned of the Nova Open while reading the latest Wyrd Chronicles.

It would be a stretch for me to make it to the event but if I do manage to get there are there openings in any of the Malifaux events?

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Last I had talked to @valhallan42nd there were still spots, but only a few for each. The webstore is closed so it is only sign up at event now. Either @valhallan42nd or @MVBrandt should be able to answer your question. Hopefully they arent too busy with last minute set up. It is a really great event and if you can swing it I would recommend it.

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