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How to Lucius


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Yeah, well, I'm not using his kit. Apart from Wesley, the little dude is awesome. Technically you could use a Moon Shinobi or two and give them Swill and Poison to buff them, but Sensei Yu for example might need all of this more. I haven't used Performers yet, but I'm still having fun with Brewie. Some day I will change that :P
I found I have a similar problem with Lucius, after one or two games I practically had no reason to take the models from his kit. I had to buy the Riflemen box to make Dashel useful, but that too got old quickly. I wish the kits would always be playable without going through hoops. And I know this sounds like whining because it probably -is- me whining. The Rifleman instead of Guards in the box idea doesn't sound too bad after all.

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  • 3 weeks later...

not my choice of aesthetic, but works on the table, young nephilim heal, tots can sprint on command, and If you take any illuminated or corrupt hounds then shamans become auto takes.

it lacks a little versatility for me and the nephilim are my lest favourite models but in kill or territory strategies it should preform well

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3 hours ago, lusciousmccabe said:

Mr Graves is also a good option for holding (one of) those upgrades. 

Yes but for Lucius I was hoping for the wonderdul combo of scaring minions into growing by themselves. I imagine the flay trigger helpful fort that. Both tots and young nephs have healthy jumps in damage between weak and moderate damage. Maybe you meant taking several bug nephies and spreading the upgrades between them?

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Yeah, Nekima seems to do the grow business by herself really so I figured taking some of the cheaper Nephilim as upgrade holders was a good option. That way you can either do a Lucius grow list or a Nekima grow list, featuring Lucius. :) 

Mr. Graves is nice for hoisting your other models about the place where necessary, although Barbaros is nice because he's tough and can protect them (plus two upgrade slots). You can get a bit of Mimic synergy with Graves if you don't want to go too far into the Black Blood theme as well, although unfortunately because of how that works you're really just looking at pairing him with the Scribe or doing something with Useless Duplications.  

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I do love Graves on pure looks and it's been a while since I played him. He could get Lucius closer if you want to use the :+fate from being near Lucius on all those nephilim you're supposed to grow. Or just positioning Nekima for maximum carnage. Not sure on talons vs retribution's eye on him since I don't like to leave home without any armour-ignoring models but being able to cheat red jokers on double negative damage flips is just brutal (maybe especially for him and nekima but even Young Nephs can get some unexpected enforcer kills with a nice damage cheat here and there).

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I was thinking using Show Ya The Door on a young Neph to put it in charge or feast range could be pretty nice with Rapid Growth in Graves.

Talons could also be excellent, even if you're just cheating in moderate with Terror Tots or a young Neph. While I'm also guilty of leaning heavily on Retribution's Eye either Nephilim upgrade could be a strong options in the right crew.

What does angel eyes cost? She could be a cheap option for an upgrade slot either, although she's less likely to be in range for grow.

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6 hours ago, lusciousmccabe said:

I was thinking using Show Ya The Door on a young Neph to put it in charge or feast range could be pretty nice with Rapid Growth in Graves.

Talons could also be excellent, even if you're just cheating in moderate with Terror Tots or a young Neph. While I'm also guilty of leaning heavily on Retribution's Eye either Nephilim upgrade could be a strong options in the right crew.

What does angel eyes cost? She could be a cheap option for an upgrade slot either, although she's less likely to be in range for grow.

I think she's 9ss. She's the henchwoman right? I could see her with talons.

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Angel Eyes is 9 points.  Her damage is a bit low, but she can fire into melee, and she's kind of nasty in that she can kill something with her rifle to grow nearby nephilim if you give her Rapid Growth.

Blood Wretches are also halfway decent with Lucius, and can heal themselves when they kill.  The Scion can help give you more interact actions and remove conditions (but the model is fugly).

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I´m starting to think Lucius as cavalry general. Neverborn has a good selection of long distance chargers and Lucius can take mounted guards as Neverborn. Taking mounted guards, teddy, illuminateds and other stuff which has charge 7 or over. When taking other model with mounted guard´s charge nearer to enemy. And in theory: All except Lucius moves impressive distances.


Also: I can image cavalry charge and soon after it there comes teddy shouting "Wait for me!!"  

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On 22 maj 2016 at 5:47 PM, Clockwork_Fish said:

Angel Eyes is 9 points.  Her damage is a bit low, but she can fire into melee, and she's kind of nasty in that she can kill something with her rifle to grow nearby nephilim if you give her Rapid Growth.

Blood Wretches are also halfway decent with Lucius, and can heal themselves when they kill.  The Scion can help give you more interact actions and remove conditions (but the model is fugly).

Which of the nephilim minions do you plan on keeping back to hang around within 2" of her? The nephs who need to grow aren't exactly long range. Or can she deploy from the shadows and I missed it?

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 2016-05-25 at 11:33 AM, Ludvig said:

Which of the nephilim minions do you plan on keeping back to hang around within 2" of her? The nephs who need to grow aren't exactly long range. Or can she deploy from the shadows and I missed it?

She's not so frail that you need to keep her that far back.  And Young Nephilim have an 8" charge range.  Try keeping a terror tot hanging around.  And it's not Lucius can't move it where you want it after.

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