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Playing for the first time with Nico


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I would pick up everything. Seamus's box has belles, Molly's box has Crooligans and possibly phillip, McMourning's box has nurses and a flesh construct, and a canine remains. 

Outside of that, the Students of Transmortis box has amazing value for a Nicodem list, as does picking up a box of The Hanged. Izamu is great for Turf War, and the Graveyard spirit isnt a bad totem for him to use at Izamu's side. Toshiro is another great beater who buffs your dudes

Edited by gromgrom
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Prepare for "Buy ALL THE THINGS!" posts :)


Nico enjoys synergy with really everything that's labeled "Undead" and because he summons, as your collection grows he's going to become more efficient and flexible since he can bring a bigger toolbox to the party.  That said, here are a few things I'd recommend sooner rather then later.

1) Shadows of Redchapel (Seamus Box):  Not for Seamus himself straight off, but for the Belles and Sybelle.  They are a good support pieces and Sybelle is a terror when getting buffed by Nico.

2) University of Transmortis:  They'll more or less play the same role as your punk zombies (beat sticks), but they are very good at what they do.  The Valedictorian is also another fantastic henchmen to have around.

3) Scheme Runners:  You have flexibility here.  The "big 3" are Necropunks, Canine Remains, and Crooligans.  Pick which ones you like.  If opting for Crooligans though, look very hard at Molly's box.


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First I would check out the Nicodem Starting Guide by zFiend, it's pinned here in the Resser forum and is an awesome resource. Short answer though is you'll want to get some scheme runners, usually Crooligans or Necropunks, then a beatstick enforcer, my personal recommendation is Izamu or The Valedictorian, then finally fill in your crew with models to summon and general good stuff, like Rotten Belles and the Iron Zombies from the University of Transmortis. 

Also welcome to the best faction in Malifaux and the best Master in the game! Obviously you're someone with good taste :D

Edited by doombladez
Added welcome message. Fixed Rotten Belles
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Also you'll need scheme markers and corpse markers. You can make your own using bases that Wyrd sells, or if you're like me you'll want to buy some that are already made, I recommend these guys: https://www.etsy.com/shop/WidgetWizards?ref=l2-shopheader-name

They sell a marker bundle that is really useful as well as a separate pack that's just corpse markers. 

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those are sweet ill definitely pick some up to start with! now i did read through that awesome post about the ressers but it made me super crazy deciding which sets to pair with nico haha though i did like the bit about keeping a nurse around him at all times to keep him and others among the living.

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If you need to prioritize or you are on a budget for now I'd say the basic good to go core is: 

Izamu, Graveyard Spirit, Necropunks. 

After those McMourning + Seamus box sets. 

Then you can look into Hanged, Canine Remains, Transmortis boxset. 

Depending entirely on your budget and sanity. I tend to go full retard and buy a faction at a time. 

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Well I've managed with just the cards, fate deck. Sure the designated markers are nice and shiny but nothing a blank 30mm won't do. Wounds can be tracked with small dices. Accessories aren't really all that necessary. Get the cards (in the boxes), get a fate deck and start playing. :D 

Also to spare you some money if you don't absolute want to play Molly or Kirai. You don't need either box set. I have never even a single time thought "damn I wish a had a crooligan" Necropunks do all they do. Just better and are more awesome models. 

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Also just to ensure you're aware you'll need a tape measure, I've known people who were never told this and didn't figure it out themselves for quite awhile, until they were playing their first real game. 

I recommend plastic sleeves and dry-erase markers, but that's just me. 

Me too, dry-erase is great and nice for players who don't have dice or don't want to wreck the no-dice ascetic Wyrd has built.  

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Actually Crooligans and the Rogue Necro aren't that necessary for Nicodem really. 

I was seconding your opinion :)

Plus Rogue Necro just looks cool. I'm actually kinda sad I own the old metal one lol

Oh the new Rogue Necro is amazing. I hated the old one before.. Now even more so. :D 

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i play a lot of magic the gathering, lets just say sleeves-galore haha but what do you guys recommend for casing?

Really depends on the budget, I just use some foam my LGS sold me for everything, no case just a foam mat, which was pretty darn cheap. There's plenty of cases online you can buy at various prices, ranging from fairly expensive to quite expensive. 

also do i need any of the arsenal waves?


Unless you have old models that need the new stat cards you don't need the arsenal decks, I bought them personally just to have the stat cards of everything since my store let me proxy test a LOT of models before committing to everything. They also come with the upgrade cards for Ressers, but there's a Generalist upgrade deck that has the same thing now, and it come with all of them. 

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i play a lot of magic the gathering, lets just say sleeves-galore haha but what do you guys recommend for casing?

I use this. As long as you're not violent with the lock, it is a solid purchase. Removable tray for all your scheme/corpse/etc markers. Tape measure, glass bead counters, small rulebook, fate deck, etc fits underneath. 


Well, I know what I'm buying three of next time I get payed. 

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Actually Crooligans and the Rogue Necro aren't that necessary for Nicodem really. 

I agree on the Rogue Necro since it competes for many other spots, but Crooligans are amazing forward scheme runners and corpse markers. I like them much more than Canine Remains which are much more squishy. Necropunks are definitely tougher, but not needing to flip for the Crooligans "leap" is nice. 

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i play a lot of magic the gathering, lets just say sleeves-galore haha but what do you guys recommend for casing?

I use this. As long as you're not violent with the lock, it is a solid purchase. Removable tray for all your scheme/corpse/etc markers. Tape measure, glass bead counters, small rulebook, fate deck, etc fits underneath. 


Well, I know what I'm buying three of next time I get payed. 

Wait, three? o.O

I play a couple other wargames, those are exactly what I need for all of them. 

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I'm a big fan of the old metal Rogue Necromancy, actually.  So much, in fact I bought 2 of them.

As for their use in a game with Nicodem, I've managed to summon one on turn 3 before, with significant effects in the game.  I could've summoned him on Turn 2, but it was less prudent at the time, due to some other circumstances on the board.  Most likely would've been able to summon a second one, but my opponent conceded by end of turn 3. 

At any rate, my favorite summons for Nicodem are Crooked Men and Drowned, mostly for "Finish the Job" though.  Situationally, the Students from the University of Transmortis are great, depending on who you're facing.  In the game mentioned above, I summoned a Student of Viscera on Turn 1 (facing the Viks), and managed to tarpit the "sling shot" a bit.  Of course it didn't stop them all together, but it bought me some precious time in that they were busy attacking a summoned model vs a model I paid for for the crew.  Worked out for me in the end, and since then I've been sold on Rogue Necro's for Nicodem.

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