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Taelor, and ways to deal with her if you picked a summoner


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So basically, I'm getting halfway decent at the game. Just with Nicodem, though, my favorite. So my friends have eyed Taelor as a counterpick, possibly to force me to learn McMourning/Seamus more. 

The PullMyFinger article has decent points, but as with all of their articles, the community here has better ideas.

  • Don't summon models within her smashing range! She'll ruin your day if you do. Summon them out of her sight when she has Welcome to Malifaux up.
  • Take advantage of her slow speed and lack of ranged attacks.
  • Ranged attacks work well against her. Attacks that Slow can keep her out of the action

We dont excel at range attacks, she's immune to horror duels, and "slow speed" only really counts turn 1-2 tops. A 7" threat or a 9" charge threat isn't "slow" by any means, but she certainly isn't Valedictorian fast. And I always can try to win initiative, but if I dont, I could probably safely assume my opponent will activate her first to hit that (0). 

I thought maybe summoning Fleshies and hiring big fatties like Yin and Validictorian would be worthwhile. Easy to block LOS behind those and have vulture ferry corpses behind them, or have mindless move behind terrain and do that. Seems like a smart idea.

Any other suggestions? 

Edited by gromgrom
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Just to say, the community here wrote Pull my finger, but here we just get to speak in more detail.

Know her threat range. If she has put up welcome to Malifaux, then she can charge 6" and has a 3" :melee range. So if you summon something more than 9" away, she can't stop it. 

Also if she can't move to within range because of blocking objects.  

Also, if you summon before she activates, then she won't have Welcome to Malifaux.

After that, models like Drowned, which she will struggle to put down in 2 attacks are pretty good, as whilst she ignores armor, she doesn't ignore resiliance as it isn't armour, its just 2 less damage from Ml attacks. 



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your opponent will take her to kill your summoned stuff (duh) what i usually do is summon stuff she can charge to lure her into the open where something like a student or izamu can charge her, so summon where she can kill your summoned model but in return she will die and if your opponent see's this they usually won't charge.

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What's the wording on her Welcome to Malifaux ability? I know she gets a free charge against a model summoned in, providing it's in range and LOS but does it follow any other rules for charges?

If you summon something into base contact with her, or within it's own engagement range can she still charge it? I have a regular opponent who uses Taelor quite frequently but up until now I've always summoned out or range or beyond LOS.

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