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MalifauxModels app/site


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Funny that I come on here to talk about my app, mere hours after Moosey is seen for the first time in ages! 


For those who use my thing, I've just pushed an update to the website, which includes...

  • Wave 3 models and non-Campaign upgrades
  • Added a "Campaign Mode" to the crew creator. This:
    • Properly calculates the total, including Henchman and Master costs.
    • Hides "W/max pool" and "Pool" as they aren't useful in Campaign counting.
  • Changed how Mercenary works. The extra 1ss is automatically included if you add a Mercenary who doesn't share a Faction with your Leader.
    • Previously I had this stupid clunky "Mercenary" upgrade you had to add which probably wasn't clear at all...
  • Added "Tormented" to Crooked Men, since it was missing.

I'm starting a Campaign, so I'll probably do some more updates as I need them to play my game. :D Let me know if you see anything that isn't right!

The Android app won't be updated for a bit, until I'm sure the web app is correct.

Edited by rythos42
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I added a few campaign features recently as well:

  • A box to hold the number of Scrip you have.
  • Added Skills, Equipment and Injuries.
  • Your maximum encounter size (so you can more easily compare to your opponent)
  • Check "Arsenal" to make a given crew your Arsenal. Use "Available" soulstones to create your arsenal. Then...
  • Check "Campaign Crew" to create a crew from the Arsenal you've made. Checkboxes appear in the crew list to allow you to include models from your arsenal in your crew.

Let me know if anything seems wrong! 

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It is in Malifaux 2E under Swampfiend Upgrades (Zoraida) and in Malifaux 2E - Crossroads under General Gremlin Upgrades as well. The second one should have Rare 1 restriction too.

EDIT: The reason for that is McTavish.

Edited by Phinn
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  • 1 month later...

Found some irregularities:

Hair Trigger (M2E page 117) - missing
Hard & Relentless (M2E page 216) - missing
Engage at will (M2E page 216) - does not show up when filtering on "Is Upgrade - Yes" and "Any - wave 1", but can be searched for directly
Hold their hair back (M2E page 244) - hair spelled hari

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Some stuff from Crossroads.

Spare Parts (76), Pack (77) - duplicated
Pig Sling (264) - does not show up when filtering on "Is Upgrade - Yes" and "Any - wave 2", but can be searched for directly
On Yer Tip Toes (271) - is called "On Yer Toes" in the database
Mr. Graves (305), Mr. Tannen (305) - missing the period after Mr


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Alright! I just did an update to the web site (not the Android app still) with most of your bug fixes. Appreciate the reports!

Engage at Will is in the list. The list uses lazy-loading because the app is way too slow if I display all of the data at once. After about 50 rows in the table, it stops loading and only grabs the extra information when you scroll down. Because of this, with a search of "Is Upgrade - Yes" and "Any - wave 1", Engage at Will is too far down to be found with a Ctrl-F. You have to scroll down first. (This could be fixed, but I don't have the time for it right now).

There was also a report from someone else about Lucky Misses being counted as Injuries, which was not correct. 

Are they "Lucky Miss" or "Near Miss"? Again, don't have my book at work! >.<

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Engage at Will is in the list. The list uses lazy-loading because the app is way too slow if I display all of the data at once. After about 50 rows in the table, it stops loading and only grabs the extra information when you scroll down. Because of this, with a search of "Is Upgrade - Yes" and "Any - wave 1", Engage at Will is too far down to be found with a Ctrl-F. You have to scroll down first. (This could be fixed, but I don't have the time for it right now).


Engage at Will doesn't show up for me even when I first scroll down until it stops loading more lines, same thing with Pig Sling. I'm using Chrome on Windows. Guess it could be some cache issue.

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I did the obvious thing and tried in other browsers. :P

Engage at will and Pig Sling both show up in Firefox and Chromium (it's Linux so I don't think it has a regular Chrome available, at least there wasn't one in the software manager) on another computer, and in IE on this computer. So I guess the problem is with my Chrome.

Btw, I love your database.

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Oddly enough, Engage at Will was showing up in my Chrome but Pig Sling wasn't. I did some looking into while Pig Sling wasn't appearing and couldn't find any reason...and then about 15 minutes into looking into it, it appeared. >.> At which point I stopped looking!

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