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Returning player questions


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I am a returning player who is looking into updating my collection with some of the new 2E releases that have come out before I sadly stopped playing. I have been researching what I need to purchase and asking questions (on reddit) and I noticed that the arsenal decks for Wave 1 are out of print.

When I asked about this I was informed that they would no longer reprinted and distributed in packs but released with the models themselves. 

I wanted to know if this was true and perhaps a reasons why. If there was public announcement for this that someone can link me or even if someone "official" can answer these questions that would be greatly appreciated.

Just FYI I am not here to start any sort of argument but I am more than a little upset at this news. I am just attempting to confirm this and offer an oppurtunity for a reasonable explanation before I go all unhinged and write a letter. Thanks for your time and attention to this.


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Yes, the Arsenal Decks will be discontinued some time in the future, as they were always meant as time-limited solution, and they are needed less and less the longer the edition change lies n the past.

I have not heard that they'll do that now, though, so I guess that the one you want is just temporarily out of print.

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Have they mentioned what they intend to do about players that have already purchased product but do not have access to the stat cards...I have noticed that they no longer have the pdf's for download (or at least I am unable to locate them), but I have a huge malifaux collection and even though I can still get the wave 2 arsenal decks, most of my stuff is wave 1.

Is the solution seriously to replace my entire collection that I can't find these decks for?

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The guild and arcanist arsenal decks are currently out of stock so, assuming that they aren't doing any more reprints, my entire guild and arcanist collection has just been invalidated (which is more than half), unless I get lucky and find one in stock from a retailer(online) when I go to buy my models. 

This completely removes my ability to not only support my local store (I was 1 or 2 guys that was the champion for the game in my store and the other one moved) my FLGS cut down on their ordering so I am not certain that the new cards are even in those model sets, not to mention that the old stuff they have is now useless.

It also means that any of the other players in the area that I manage to con back into playing are also probably going to be in the same boat but worse (assuming that they continue to sell).

I am really sorry to be venting this way...you have been helpful and thank you....if there is any additional information that anyone can add I appreciate it. I will be taking this directly to customer support however....

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(I am greatly appreciative of your assistance in this, please do not take any perceived anger in my responses at me being upset at you) 

yes it is an assumption...I am not upset that I can't buy them NOW. I am upset because getting back into any wargame is considerable investment that I have to plan for. I don't purchase 1 thing I a month I make one big order once or twice a year. Now I am already purchasing all of the books so I will be able to reference the stats there, and I have solutions available to make my own cards but this creates frustration for me because 

1) Uncertainty that I will be able to get what I want when I put my order without more time and effort to find it. I already have to evaluate the over 500 dollars in product list that I have and consider what I am going to do if the one place I have been referred to doesn't have those 2 decks in stock. (which requires looking at different online stores, contacting them to see if they are expecting an order, etc etc)
2) Uncertainty that I will be able to support the game in my store (because of old product).
3) That "this is great!....but" conversation will certainty impact my ability to support the game by getting the people back into the game and new players
4) Partially I'll be honest about this I am also getting Post Traumatic Games Workshop flashbacks (even though I realize rationally that this is no where near the level of crap they pull)

I am going to hold off on speaking to customer service and give it a night though because you are right this is an assumption. I was just super stoked when I realized that I had the opportunity (in time and cash) to jump back into this game, spent the last week in watching battle reports and talking to people to see if they wanted to get together when I get my stuff and then I heard about this and started stressing out. 

Once again thanks for talking me down from the ledge and I am sorry for any inconvenience that this may have caused you or anyone else...

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I've seen plenty of the arsenal decks at LGS and eBay. I'm sure you can get them pretty easily. Though I hope the offer a buy individual cards option in the future. Another option might be to check Bartertown.com to see if there is anyone who bought a set for just a few cards and had others to trade/sell.

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Message: When will the Guild wave 1 arsenal be back in stock? Just getting
back into Malifaux for the first time since the 2nd edition release. I'd
really rather not have to purchase the whole guild line again just to get
the cards.

Good Afternoon, we are out of that deck and don't have a reprint date in mind. We would suggest that you look on the secondary market such as Ebay or Amazon.

Sorry we weren't able to assist you with the purchase of item.

Wyrd Customer Support

This secondary market doesn't exist. The wave 1 Guild arsenal is out of stock at every LGS and online retailer I've been able to find. Ebay has 9 whole listings worldwide for "Guild Arsenal" all of which are wave 2. "malifaux/Guild stat card" returns no useful results. Amazon has a bunch of poorly described listings with titles like "Wyrd Miniatures Malifaux Guild Arsenal Deck Wave Model Kit (2 Pack)" purporting to be from a seller named "Wyrd Miniatures"

Right now the best solutions I can come up with are scanning a rulebook and printing my own or digging for a pdf download. From the many searches I've made it seems that at some point a pdf of the stat cards was available for download from Wyrd. Someone must still have it saved.

Anyone have any better ideas?

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It is a touch unrealistic for there to be the expectation for arsenal decks to be made available indefinitely as they are costly for large amounts of reprints (and even more so for small prints as with anything in printing, quantity is king), take up quite a bit of warehouse space, and are quite honestly after the last couple of years, very slow sellers. Any reprints that at this point that would be cost effective (as we sell them as a low price on purpose, and then of course distributor discounts one has to take into affect) would mean that we would have a significant amount of arsenal decks that we would be sitting on for another couple of years. 

I am aware that there are folks that are just now getting back into the game after a few year hiatus, and we are looking into some other options which we're hoping to roll out in October if all goes well but nothing is promised at the moment. When we get to that point we'll most certainly make an announcement.

And thanks for letting me know about the Amazon retailer trying to pass themselves off as us - we'll be sorting that - we don't sell on Amazon.

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It is a touch unrealistic for there to be the expectation for arsenal decks to be made available indefinitely as they are costly for large amounts of reprints (and even more so for small prints as with anything in printing, quantity is king), take up quite a bit of warehouse space, and are quite honestly after the last couple of years, very slow sellers. Any reprints that at this point that would be cost effective (as we sell them as a low price on purpose, and then of course distributor discounts one has to take into affect) would mean that we would have a significant amount of arsenal decks that we would be sitting on for another couple of years. 

I am aware that there are folks that are just now getting back into the game after a few year hiatus, and we are looking into some other options which we're hoping to roll out in October if all goes well but nothing is promised at the moment. When we get to that point we'll most certainly make an announcement.

And thanks for letting me know about the Amazon retailer trying to pass themselves off as us - we'll be sorting that - we don't sell on Amazon.

Some wave 1 arsenals currently say "Temporarily Out of Stock" in the Wyrd webstore. Is the "temporarily" bit inaccurate or are they getting a final run?

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