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Shifting Loyalties Campaign help for a newbie Resser


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Hi there,


I'm very new to the Resurrectionists. I've been an Arcanists player for a while now, and I'm really tempted to branch out into another faction. I was never struck on the wave 1 Ressers at all, but I grabbed a copy of Crossroads and I really enjoyed the Molly/Kirai story, and the whole Spirits theme. So I thought they were the gals for me!


My LGC are about to start a campaign using Shifting Loyalties, and I'm really tempted to go Ressers and work my way up from there. I don't have a lot at present, ju8st some bits and bobs either from my Ten Thunders days, or those that I've been eyeing up of late. So far I have Toshiro and Yin, with a metal Datsue-ba, 2x metal Seishin, Izamu and 3 of the new plastic Gaki on their way. I think Kirai is the route I want to work towards, she looks like a fun, different master to what I'm used to. So I'd best snap up her box as well. Eventually I'll get Molly as well.


So my question is this; if I start with Datsue-ba in my initial 35ss, what else would I be looking at needing? I presume the Gaki and Seishin would be summoned (obviously the l;atter which can't be hired). But what next would be suggested? And which upgrade, if any, would be good to start with? The metals are, I appreciate, rather hard to find now, so I imagine things like the Shikome are rather out of the picture for the time being.


Appreciate any help for a newcomer to this particular dark corner of the forum :-)

Edited by Lmjh1985
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So far, I'm looking at:


Datsue Ba (8)

- Spirit Whispers (1)

Izamu, The Armour (9)

Onryo (5)

Onryo (5)

Rotten Belle (5)


That leaves me 2 scrip to carryover then. It does seem like a list that will be susceptible to market heavy schemes.


Any suggestions or does that seem like a plausible list? I'm going to order the Kirai box tomorrow, so will arrive before we all submit our lists and play the first round this coming Weds.


Really looking forward to joining the ranks of the Rezzers! I've the. Got a Hanged and Flesh Construct I traded on their way, plus the Dark Carnival set (was planning on proxying the Flying Monkeys for either Shikome or Night Terrors).

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Probsbly a good idea, actually. Datsue-Ba and the Belle will be pushing Izamu like there's no tomorrow. 


I was looking at Crooligans, and they have fairly similar stats to the Gaki, which I have. What's the difference between them? Both also have a fairly low ml of 4 (though Gakis can be boosted by the nearby leader).

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And for those without Datsue Ba... wich henchman would be great to start with? I only have Sybelle and Valedictorian really

Both are okay. Sybelle can be the start of a lot of lists. Very flexible. Valedictorian is survivable which is a good trait at the start of a campaign.

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I probably would run sybelle alone--if you skip on Valedictorian you can put in a crooligan plus 5SS unit, or something similar with a small SS cost unit plus more normal cost unit. 

In your first couple games you're unlikely to have too many SS, and the major difference between minions and enforcers vs. henchmen is soul stone use. Without soul stones you kind of have fancy looking minions and enforcers.

As mentioned Sybelle is good in a number of lists, so she would be great, especially with a couple belles/doxies for early movement tricks for scheme running. Then fill out with some killy stuff in case your games require it.

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I'm a newbie and so not an expert by any means, but I've been having good luck with this list in my local campaign:


Sybelle with Lash upgrade

2x Rotten Belles

1 Nurse

1 proxied Carrion Emissary


Between Sybelle's walk buff and the nurse, the Belles are quick and hardy little scheme runners. The Carrion Emissary has so far just been good at everything.

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