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Question regarding Base Size ... better go big?


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I'm currently assembling a few leftovers of my old metal collection, and am unsure on which bases to put them.

This isn't really a rules question, since the rules on this are pretty obvious. It's more a style and viability question, since there aren't any official Wyrd games or tournaments around this isn't that much of an issue.


A few examples ..


- old Ice Golem stood on a 40 base, the new one stands on a 50 base. Putting the old one on a larger base makes him look rather short.

- although the old Cerberus stood on a 50 base, a smaller 40 base would be much more appropriate since he's pretty short.

- same goes for the old Flesh Constructs, especially the alternate version is smaller than a regular sized mini but he's placed on a 40 base anyway.



So regarding style, I'd probably put them on the smaller bases. However then the gamer inside myself points out that I impair myself with that a bit. At least in my thinking most of the time a larger base size is an advantage.


Pros for a larger base:

- having a larger base size grants you a bit of extra movement each turn

- bigger engagement zone (which is pretty relevant for stuff like Ice Golem)

- large bases block movement lanes more easily


Cons for a larger base:

- smaller bases can move easier through tight spots and get easier charge lanes

- large base gets blocked easier

- larger bases get engaged themself more easily



Anything else?
What do you think, is a larger base size a bonus, or doesn't it really matter that much anyway?

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I think you're looking at it from the wrong perspective.  The question you should be asking is "How do I want to mount my model on the appropriate size base?"


You've got a few options:

  • Use a paper or cardboard base of the proper size, with your smaller metal base in the middle.
  • Mount the metal base on the proper sized plastic base.
  • Build up a fairly large or thick decorative base so that the smaller model looks okay on the proper base size.

Because what happens when you have your model mounted on the wrong base size is the other person says "Here's a blank proxy base, write the model name on it and use it instead," not some strange debate on pros and cons of using the wrong base size.  Especially in a game like Malifaux where the shape of the model on the base is pretty much irrelevant to the game as anything other than a convenient way of identifying which model is which.

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Depends on the model.


In the case of say Jakuna Ubume and Montressor (yes I played v Jack Daw recently) the larger bases are beneficial because of the auaras they put out.


Compare this to say a terror tot who wants a small base so that he is easier to hide, can get through small gaps/around other models and generally go where he needs to go without too much trouble.


I agree entirely with Solkan as to what you should do, my comments are simply in answer to the general question of 'what base size is best'

Edited by TimH
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- having a larger base size grants you a bit of extra movement each turn

Since no part of your base can move more than your movement allowance (be it a Push, Walk, Charge or whatever), this isn't true. Where it matters is if you, e.g., Summon something into base contact with you, then if that something has a bigger base, it will reach further into the direction you wish it to go if you summon it on that side of your base.
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I agree with the official base sizes. They are put on those sizes usually for gameplay reasons and like it has been previously stated, it affects A LOT of stuff. If you feel that an old sculpt or a particular model doesnt match its base size, get creative :D I love to see how people modify and sculpt modifications to their bases and models.

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