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december acolytes.


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I think it really depends on what you need to achieve and who you're up against. I've certainly come up against three when I was using a Levy crew, and they were all dead by the end of turn 1 with virtually no impact (because I really hate them when they're left alive). Five is getting into the region where they can mutually support each other and still cover a lot of board space, but that's also the point where you'd better hope they perform well because all your eggs are in that basket.


As an alternative to backing them up with Raspy, you could give them a try with Colette. Anything horrible, she makes horribler.

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A wise man once said. "With great power comes great responsibility" 


The acolytes are probably pound for pound the best shooters in the game. I think spamming slow can eating an opponents hand can be extremely effective, but its also a list that can be a real negative experience for your opponent. 


On the tactical side of the list, it does seem very one dimensional and I feel like it will either crush of be crushed. Generally in my experience, malifaux is a game where you need to be prepared for any situation and I'm not sure this list does more than it's obvious intention. It seems very dependant on schemes, terrain and the opponents crew selection. 


I do agree that Colette does better with this type of crew than Raspy. Just as long as you don't mind having no friends afterwords....  ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I do like Decembers Acolytes very much but I do not think this kind of list will work:

First unbelievable scheme dependent. On the top of my head only power ritual + corner deployment, protect terretory or vendetta are good options. Same goes for strategy... Reconnoiter, Turf War and the one on jokers I never get are off the table

Second Terrain dependend. Obiviously.

Third it is very well to counter as such a list would be so one dimensional. Imagine your opponent picks Mei Fang... probably the worst case but you are instantly doomed.

Overall I'd say can work if if if if if and not all "ifs" are in your hand.

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