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Student of Steel


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Hey, so I run Ramos and am getting Colette, and with either list I'm going to be running almost all constructs. A few games ago I went up against Tara with a Student of Steel. The combo almost wiped out my whole Ramos crew by the second turn. Specifically the student's attack is devastating to a construct. Flurry, ignores armor, and ++ to damage is death to just about any construct hit with it. And the Terror 12 meant I was wasting high cards just to be able to attack it. Hard to wound and hard to kill and armor means it's damn hard to take down.

If every heavy hitter you have is a construct, how do you deal with this?

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Kill it with fire. Simple as that. Don't know about Colette, but Ramos has enough options to shove a Howard or Joss towards a at least a bit exposed model, which it has to be, to threat your heavy hitters. And with a lot of spiders, the more turns you get, the more activation control you have, so he can't trick you with that pesky bury/unbury/fast/attack-combo.


Other than that, play conservative but normal, and if your opponent does charge the student in one of your heavies, kill it on the crackback... to lose one of your big models is bad, but to take them their only option to really kill them is worth it, I suppose.

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On the positive side, the only way Tara can get a Student of Steel is by hiring them at the start or having a 12-crow or better in hand to summon with Karina.  So there are only three cards in the deck that let her do that, and getting one during the draw phase is relatively rare.

That said, it is a strong summon.  I'd use Joss as my first line of offense against it since he ignores all the annoying defensive traits.  However, if you have the cards for Langston's decapitate trigger then it's very strong against Tara as she typically burns through her hand quicky.


Another option is just to bog it down with spiders.  I'd gladly trade a spider or two to keep the Student locked in place.  Sure it will tear through them, but that only adds more scrap tokens to create more spiders.

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The student surviving Hank sounds like a fluke. If you flurry, you kill it barring jokers interfering with your plan (and you hit him on an 11 if he gets the red on def). If you can't get the flurry off, you need to find a way of getting two damage in before you commit. You can get there with magnetism, lightning, spiders, joss, pretty much everything.

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Yeah, she bought him at the beginning and he either had a defensive upgrade or was under some kind of defensive effect (don't remember which) but I think I found my own answer, when fighting red, for now on I'll always bering along an acolyte, getting rid of HtW, HtK, would have helped a lot.

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