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New Case/Foam

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Looking at finally getting my hobby stuff properly stored by investing in more foam and a better case. Kr and BF I know are the main two most people tout around. I suppose I'm mostly looking at what kind of trays should I be looking at for my games.


-My Soritas are pretty standard, so not much debate there

-Malifaux has a pretty diverse range of sizes and bases, so looking for advice on that one

-I also have Dindrenzi fleet for Armada. Just wondering where would be a good spot to look for trays for that game.

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KR is cheap compared to the competition, but their foam is very soft. It makes it a little too flexible in my opinion. Everything that sticks out of your model or has a sharp edge tends to get stuck in the sides.


Battlefoam is much more expensive but very very good.


Building it yourself is much more fun.



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  • 3 weeks later...

I have several cases from several company's and for even more games.


Battlefoam, I have 3 very large battle foam bags. To be perfectly honest after trying a few other companies I rather dislike the foam. It's a bit rough imo and can lead to chipping. The custom cut stuff is great if your into static poses but even then things have to be exact or you'll run into problems. I rarely find my self going with Default poses, and rather enjoy converting models. Custom foam just isn't friendly to that.  The pluck and pick is nothing special and honesty its on par with the far cheaper sable foam.


The bags them self are pretty high quality, though the size of the bigger bags might be a bit much if your going to be lugging them around all day.


KR- Kr foams is incredible soft. Something i personally feel is a boon as it tends to be a little less rough on paint jobs. In addition i find my self as a collect MUCH endured to the idea that i can have one bag, that i just slip what ever Kr box i want into. DO not be deterred by the cardboard, its surprisingly strong and because of it, it allows you to easily pop unused armies/crews back into the closet for long term storage. Basically you can keep your 1 Kr bag fully loaded with what ever your playing. I currently have one of their larger soft bags and its my favorite at the moment. The harder metal cases are top notch, KR was nice enough to send me a few products to review and give out as prize support for pod-casting. The metal one, was one of them, and i was pretty impressed with it over all.


The do it your self route.

I have a whole slew of home made cases,primarily magnetic that i made for WHFB(RIP). Really easy and really cheap, i think its the route i would suggest going if you have the time. Esp if your crew is largely plastic because they really aren't going to budge. Here is the link for the standard home made case. They are nice sturdy containers, and only cost  around 30 bucks. I think i've gotten them on sale for 20 or so at Menards.


http://www.amazon.com/Vestil-CASE-1814-textured-Carrying-corners/dp/B0052PJ39C/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1439671154&sr=8-1&keywords=metal+tool+case or



They do lock, though i don't think I've ever use that feature. You can just glue down a piece of sheet metal (make sure the magnets stick, lol i made that mistake once doh!) and your pretty much set. one of them the second i think comes full of pluck foam if you don't want to go about magnetizing. With a little bit of work you can pad the top of the case and honestly they do a great job for about half the price. They are all so sturdy so you don't have to worry about something smashing them. The only really negative is i wouldn't leave them sitting in your back seat as that case its a lot more tempting target for a thief then the typical bags.


That you mentioned Armada i think i would go the KR route, it will be much more friendly if your into multi able games. MY one KR back currently transports Flame of War, Armada, Infinity, and Mal. Seriously i can't tell you how great it is to just be able to swap the cardboard boxes in and out as needed.

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I would second for KR. I've used 2 of their boxes (and the big bag) for a couple years and they're great. Never had any paint rub or chip which I've heard is common with Battlefoam.
I have had a few spears/spindly bits break off, but thats because I've stuck 120 skeletons with spears into slits suitable for about 60 (2-3 models to a bay..).
But as I've recently learned, if you cut the foam to accomodate the spears.. this doesn't happen

I ordered a new box recently for my half of the Age of Sigmar box set. (Split it with my brother as he wanted to field Chaos..) and will be odering a smaller one for my Malifaux once they finally arrive.

But yeah, I would definitly vouch for them.

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I love battlefoam bags: cmon/ mantic/ infinity.

They feel like the perfect size and you can custom foam to drop minis from top.

To this day I am baffled by the fact people place minus on their sides and wonder why they chip.

Plastic is no exception- mini should be free standing most of the time, with little wiggle room and foam soft to absorb the shock.

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I love battlefoam bags: cmon/ mantic/ infinity.

They feel like the perfect size and you can custom foam to drop minis from top.

To this day I am baffled by the fact people place minus on their sides and wonder why they chip.

Plastic is no exception- mini should be free standing most of the time, with little wiggle room and foam soft to absorb the shock.

So are you saying in the pluckfoam trays and so on, you set the mini standing up? I don't know why I didn't think of that, it makes so much more sense...

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I love battlefoam bags: cmon/ mantic/ infinity.

They feel like the perfect size and you can custom foam to drop minis from top.

To this day I am baffled by the fact people place minus on their sides and wonder why they chip.

Plastic is no exception- mini should be free standing most of the time, with little wiggle room and foam soft to absorb the shock.

I think that works for smaller games (and mini's)

WFB for example, has lots of minis using spears..(most of which are 2"+)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi new round here, please allow me to jump in.  I have always used the Sabol pluck foam trays. while i am just getting into Malifaux so have not actually held a mini yet i can see problems.  The Malifaux minis have some tiny spindly bits and not overly sure foam would be my best bet at this point.  Since the minis are small and plastic they would lend themselves well to magnets though.  Once i get the minis in and put together i will be better able to tell which is the preferred way to carry them.



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