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Abusing Plastic Surgery

Da Git

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So a long time ago, I had a game against Guild McMourning that included Plastic Surgery & the Judge to nuke those newly made undead.


Is there a good way to abuse making people undead?  How about this?


50ss crew

McMourning - 4 cache

 - Plastic Surgery - 1

 - Evidence Tampering - 2

 - On the Clock - 1


Zombie Chihuahua - 2


The Judge - 9


Brutal Emissary - 10

Conflux of Hidden Knowledge - 0


2 Exorcists - 14

1 Austringer - 6

1 Nurse - 5



So, McMourning & Exorcists make people Undead & then The Judge & Exorcists go to town.  Brutal is there to deliver an exorcist with the Pinebox & the Austringer's (along with McMourning's scheme tricks) there to make sure there's a convenient Scheme Marker to drop him off at.  Chihuahua is there to hand out poison to boost Brutal's attacks.


Thoughts?  Has anyone tried something similar?  It feels really amusing having McMourning lead this kind of list!

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I like the theme! Not sure about the Exorcists since they only benefit from attacking undeads in melee and their own aura prevents them from declaring triggers if they are near McMourning and getting undead themselves.

I'd probably switch one Exorcist for Papa Loco so the Judge can have + to dmg flips and be able to cheat in that 8 dmg without having to focus. 2x 8 dmg is better than 1x 8 dmg ;)

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Hahaha, I am seriously digging your posts. :D


Thanks, likewise! You and a few other usual suspects really make these forums a treat to hang around.


Da Git: Would love to hear how it goes if you actually get this list on the table. I haven't had a chance to play Exorcists since I rarely proxy stuff but I want them to be awesome.

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