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The Biting Chill action's trigger One Thousand Cuts allows to take the action again (on :tome:mask ) and does not prevents triggers (as any other trigger that grants more actions I saw until now). This means that the action can be taken multiple times, as long as the suits requirement is met?


Also, This action doesn't have a :ranged or :melee next its Rg value. It's an oversight, or intentional? If so, what does it means?

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The Biting Chill action's trigger One Thousand Cuts allows to take the action again (on :tome:mask ) and does not prevents triggers (as any other trigger that grants more actions I saw until now). This means that the action can be taken multiple times, as long as the suits requirement is met?


Also, This action doesn't have a :ranged or :melee next its Rg value. It's an oversight, or intentional? If so, what does it means?


Yes you can.


It means you can use it anywhere! It wont' randomize, won't care for cover etc. 

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Thank you.



Because of cost 0 ?


Was a tongue in cheek remark to annoy zFiend. But yes, because it's a (0), and also because attacks need to be :melee to qualify as Charge attacks. Which is why the glorious Death Marshal can Pine Box models on a Charge.

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Was a tongue in cheek remark to annoy zFiend. But yes, because it's a (0), and also because attacks need to be :melee to qualify as Charge attacks. Which is why the glorious Death Marshal can Pine Box models on a Charge.


Although given Rasputina doesn't HAVE a charge, that puts this firmly back into the "annoy zfiend" catagory again...

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Although given Rasputina doesn't HAVE a charge, that puts this firmly back into the "annoy zfiend" catagory again...


Hey, I just clarified the implications of an attack with neither close nor projectile! It doesn't affect Raspy, granted, but it's still good to know.

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:melee attacks can be performed on a charge. They also determine your engagement range and can be used for disengaging strikes

:ranged attacks are subject to Randomisation, cover and can not be taken whilst you are engaged.

If the attack has neither, then it can be taken as a normal action. It just doesn't gain the advantages of :melee or the disadvantages of :ranged

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