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An Overview of the Arcanists


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Leak/preview, same difference. I'm still of the opinion that Mei is evil, she knows she serves the bad guys and us spinning lies to trick other good people into serving them too. Definitely not a nice person;) I'd agree lawful evil on ramis in hindsight though.

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Leak/preview, same difference. I'm still of the opinion that Mei is evil, she knows she serves the bad guys and us spinning lies to trick other good people into serving them too. Definitely not a nice person;) I'd agree lawful evil on ramis in hindsight though.

Oh I agree she isn't nice, but there are degrees of not nice, but you might be right. It'll be interesting to read the entire story. I really should get hold of Storm of Shadows as well, I assume it has a stories for the Ten Thunders Masters?

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It's all relative, the Neverborn just want to stop the Tyrants (who are all inherently evil) taking over again, Zoraida/Lilith/Pandora only let the humans back in because of the prophecy in the first books, so arguably they are the good guys. Arcanists as an ideal represent a better deal for the little guys, even if in reality that's not the case, if you do a good thing for someone, it doesn't matter to them if you have ulterior motives. The Guild and Ten Thunders are in much the same boat, most masters thinking they are doing good but in reality supporting a corrupt system, be it the one in power or a criminal one. The Ressers- well yeah it's pretty hard to argue that they aren't evil as a group entity, but Molly and Kairai do good things in a horrible way, and Seamus learnt his lesson and helped stop the death spirit the second time around. Gremlins are too stupid to be moral, but the clever ones are kind of fighting for their homes which could also be considered a good act from a certain point of view. Of the outcasts it's hard to say, Levi for all his screwed up experiments seems linked to the fate of Malifaux, and is working with the Neverborn to stop the Tyrants, Jack is a bad egg, as is Hamelin, (Tara I'm unsure, works with a Tyrant but no story has shown her motives yet) but the rest are pretty amoral, the Viks saved the world once (for a nominal fee) and The Friekorps seem like a relatively nice bunch of mercenary killers. 


But that's off the topic (again) I like the OP's attempt at an overview, it's great to get someone else's POV on good/bad and the faction in general, and the discussion from it has been good too:)

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