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Painters Challenge - 2015!!!!!


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Photo still pending and I can't start painting until next week but from memory I have this list...




  • Zoraida
  • Bad Juju
  • Vodoo Doll (totem)
  • 3x Silurids
  • 3x Waldgeist
  • Dreamer
  • 3x Daydreams
  • 3x Alps
  • Chompy
  • Carver



  • Somer
  • 2x Mosquitos
  • 4? Gremlins
  • Lenny



  • Sonnia
  • Hoffman
  • Toolkit
  • 2x Hunters
  • Guardian
  • Pathfinder
  • 4x Traps
  • Lucius
  • Scribe
  • 2x Lawyers
  • Dashel
  • 2x Riflemen
  • 2x Guild Guard
  • McCabe
  • Luna
  • 2x Guild Hounds (converted)
  • 3x Wastrels
  • Perdita
  • Francisco
  • Santiago
  • Papa
  • Nino
  • Enslaved Nephilim


  • Rasputina
  • Ice Golem
  • 3x Ice Gamin
  • Wendigo
  • 3x Acolytes
  • 3x Horecats
  • Myranda
  • 2x Snakes
  • 2x Rail Workers
  • Rail Golem
  • Ramos
  • 10000000 Spiders (this might be a tad inaccurate)
  • Brass Arachnid (the totem model, waaaaaaaaay to big to be a totem!)
  • Joss
  • Howard L



I may have forgotten some things, but I think that's enough to be getting on with! :(

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Looking good so far people.

This weekend, I will be sitting down with the little misses and painting up her first model ever.


She's already picked out 8 colors, Blue, yellow, Red, Pink, White, Magenta, Brown and Beige.


SO to give you all a little tease of the model....."its in the Malifaux line of models"

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Can we take pictures of unopened crew boxes and other model boxes to save time (I have a heck of a lot of models to photograph...), or do we need to take it out of the package?

If you take it out the package you might actually be committed to building and painting it instead of hoarding hahaha 

Hoping to actually find some time this week for some painting, hopefully knock out a crew or two :D 


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Alright everyone, I'm glad to see everyone's progress.

This week has made me realize that I think my first month will end up being committed to buying, building and priming.


...I guess I'm giving you guys a head start........or at least that the excuse I'm giving myself for now.

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  • 2 weeks later...

OK so a little update, the company i was working with folded and canned everyone.

So i wont be able to check this thread often enough as i should but do take great ease that the prizes are still up for the taking,

So everyone paint hard, i'll be doing moreso now lol.


Keep up the good work!



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a tiny update....please drop me a PM when you post new photos of completed models.

this way i can update the points as need be.


Sorry i've been kinda distant lately. The hunt continues for new employment still.

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