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M2E on 2ftx2ft table. Inches to centimetres?

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Hi everyone,

Unfortunately, it has been decided that my large gaming room should become my daughters new bedroom. Never mind, you say, have her old room. Indeed! But that is being changed in to my wife's exercise room.

I am left with a 2ft x 2ft table. That's it.

How do you think M2E will play? I'm thinking of using cm instead of inches. Does anyone have any experience of this? Any other cunning ideas? No. Arguing with two females is NOT an option.

Many thanks,


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I'd basically always use standard deployment, and make everyone deploy on the back edge. This means that you're 1 to 1.5 inches ahead of where you could be with regular standard deployment.


I'd treat the "deployment zone" as the back table edge.


Since the field is narrower, I'd probably reduce certain ranges by about 2" (like Turf War) in order to make the table feel bigger.


That said, regardless of what you do, it'll play strangely and be different. Doesn't mean it can't still be fun, though!

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A 2x2 board is losing more than half of the area of a 3x3 board (4 square feet versus 9). I couldn't imagine it would be much fun to play on that, even compensating vertically for deployment zones or scaling the values.


Is it not possible to fit a new table in? :P

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You know, I've been thinking a lot about tiny 2'x2' (100'x100') tables lately, for things like the indoor Story Scenarios - how often do you run across a tavern half the size of a rugby field, after all?  But it's true - things like Turf war and A Line In The Sand change completely in such a case - I'll need to crunch some numbers and come up with a plan for how to compensate!

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Thanks for all the suggestions. I am going to try reducing the deployment zones in the first instance and see how it goes.

If 2x2 really takes away from the enjoyment factor of the game, I'll revisit my table options, limited as they are!

Good point about certain scenarios. I'll have play them all (shame!) and see what amendments are required.

What about reducing crew size below the usual level so that there is only 2-4 models a side?

Thanks again.

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If you were to use cm the bases would be freakishly large. It would be like a normal game were the bases were 75 mm, 100 mm, and 125 mm (that's larger than a DVD!).


I would consider building a hinged 3' x 3' board for easy storage.

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It'll be a different play experience, no doubt, but with some modifications I'm sure it'll be a fun variant. More crowded board will lead to auras and pulse attacks being considerably stronger. You might end up deciding 40 pt games work better.


But really, I've got a 34" folding card table stuck in a corner that I put a 3'x4' topper on for Malifaux games. I don't have any need for it personally but that topper could easily be made to fold in half for storage. That's a pretty reasonable amount of space to take up for a hobby, I think.

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If I think back to my latest game it basically happened in a 2' x 2' area. We both exited our deployment zones post haste so that's one foot out and then one side had my Performer doing Protect Territory while the other side had a big forest, so that's another foot out. It was Extraction and we both had Cursed Object and Protect Territory but other than Reconnoiter and Interference it seems that the games seldom happen all that much at the very sidelines aside from a potential Scheme runner or two doing something.

So yeah, it will likely change the experience but I would just play it normally. Should work fine though would alter the power curves slightly.

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Hi all,

Quick update.

I've played 4 games on the 2x2 now. Taking inspiration from the above suggestions, I've reduced deployment areas to the board edge, and knocked a third off the distances for some schemes.

The results? Games are quicker, deadlier affairs, but the rules stand up exactly as on the bigger board. There has been no "weirdness" or any situations which I wouldn't have expected to see on a 3x3. I shall continue experimenting and post back of anything strange should happen.

To the Breach!

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