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Iron Quill- The Apprentice


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Hey everyone, it's that time again- story time! Can't wait to see what you all come up with. :)

The Iron Quill is a writing contest that takes place every month where the winner receives a free random box set from Wyrd. It’s an exciting competition and a great place to hone your skills and get some constructive feedback.

The Rules

  • You must post your story in The Writing Room by the submission date with the following posting format: Iron Quill – Name of the round – Name of your story. Nothing else is needed to sign up, but please post in this thread with a link to your story when completed.
  • Your story must be no more than 1,750 words and be a self-contained story set in the world of Malifaux.
  • Any story must include at least two of the Ingredients for the current round. When you use the ingredients, keep in mind they don't need to be literal, please feel free to be creative with them!

As the stories are completed, this post will be updated to contain a listing of all the submissions. You are welcome to edit your story up until the submission date.

The winner will be selected by overall score, as determined by two methods:

  • A public poll will be created where anyone can vote on their favorite story. Each vote will be worth 1 point. Authors of submissions can vote in this way.
  • A private poll of the authors where they pick their favorite story and a runner-up. These votes are weighted; the favorite story gets 3 points, the runner-up gets 2 points. These votes should be submitted to me by forum PM.

All votes must be submitted by the voting date or they won’t count for scoring. You cannot vote for your own submission. If you are an author, you must submit votes for the private poll or you will be disqualified.

Name of the Round: Identity
Submission Date: May 25th, 2015, 23:59 EST
Voting Date: May 29th, 2015, 23:59 EST

  • Theme: The Lost
  • Character: The Apprentice
  • Line: The shadows are moving.
  • Item: A book
  • Location: The market
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Reading the ingredients is conjuring up a whole whack of Iron Maiden songs for me.


I'm in.  


Now, to hope some lighting strikes my brain and jars loose an idea!


Write a fic based on an Iron Maiden song! It's a tried and tested writing exercise.

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My entry is up, it doesn't directly tie into anything else I've done - yet...


Also I used the theme of the round (Lost) as opposed to the character (Apprentice) in the name of my post because I didn't take the two seconds to double check how we were titling the round. Hopefully it doesn't confuse anybody.


Anyway, without further ado, The Gunsmith's Apprentice

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just want to let everyone know, voting thread will be up in the morning. Well. My morning. My workplace decided to very suddenly do a massive change to my work shift this week, and it's screwed me all up in ways I can't properly express. But, it will be up in the next twelve hours. Sorry about the delay.

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