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Somer with pigs


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Having just started playing gremlins I have been looking at various crew options and I was considering trying Somer with pigs. How effective can he be with pigs? Will Ulix always be a better choice with pigs over Somer?


I have been considering it as Somer can make the opponent discard their hand through bigger hat than you which would then allow Old Major to reactivate. Has anyone got any experience with somer as a pig master and if so how does his play style alter. When would you take Somer with pigs over a Family Tree Somer crew?

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I haven't tried that out but the Biggest Hat trick with Old Major occurred to me over the weekend when I was looking at his (Old Major's) card.  

The only pigs I've used with Som'er are piglets and I mostly use them for free movement for other gremlins.  I think it could work out pretty well, though. I'd take something like this (depeding on Strat/Schemes): 

Gremlins Crew - 50 - Scrap
Somer Teeth Jones -- 5 Pool
 +Dirty Cheater [1]
 +Encouragement [2]
 +Pig Feed [1]
Old Cranky [4]
Old Major [9]
 +Corn Husks [2]
 +Saddle [1]
Piglet [4]
Piglet [4]
Piglet [4]
The Sow [8]
War Pig [9]
You don't really need Lenny because all your bonus movement can come from Old Major with the Saddle. Writing this up really makes me want to try this out. 
Edited by McSwervy
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Going pig heavy means I would want to leave Som'er's activation until late in the turn so I still get the reactivate on old major but can still cheat. Tempted to try Lenny and and gracie with the saddle. Lenny can toss piglets forwards or throw one at gracie if I have the tome in hand to summon  more. Gracie can move lenny forward and lennys aura would mean Gracie can reactivate easier.


The other option I thought in a pig heavy list would be McTavish with cute critters to get pig charges with  :+fate flips.

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I still don't know if I'd bring Lenny, when he's up near the action he tends to go down fast, so I'd rather have Som'er up there to hand out the Ram with Do it Like Dis which is a bigger aura and can benefit a few more models.  

Try it out and report back, I'd be curious to hear how it goes!

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I tend to like Lenny in a pig heavy Som'er list for his summoning though Som'er with the Family Tree upgrade can also easily contribute to the piglet summoning by attacking wounded Bayou Gremlin's (and some extra control cards in the process). The two together can add quite a few activations to the crew, allowing the pig squadrons to strike from safety and "freezing" targets in place. When running in this configuration a Hog Whisperer or two is indispensable for delivering the pig squadrons where you want them and  returning them home. The Pullmy finger wiki describes the "Pig Boomerang" under the 1.5 edition entry for Som'er. It is still useable though a bit altered since the Skeeter's can't act as the Air Traffic Controllers anymore this edition (why you would want 2 Hog Whisperers, one with a piglet tender or two to aid in the mobility and positioning).

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  • 2 weeks later...

I really want to integrate pigs into my list but they are such a liability. Is more than one Hog Whisperer pushing it?


Secondly, has anyone tried running dual War Pigs?


In regards to Lenny, I suppose the pigs can "truffles" him closer. What I hadn't considered is that he can Toss the little ones straight into the enemy. That raises some interesting opportunities.

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Pigs are only a liability if you just throw them out there unsupported. Using Hog Whisperers and regular old Bayou Gremlin tenders does wonders for their control.


If you haven't already, I highly recommend a read thru of the "Pig Boomerang" tactic from last edition on Pullmyfinger (under the 1.5 partition). Some things have changed (mainly in that you can't use the Skeeters as Air Traffic Controllers any more) but for the most part it functions exactly the same (especially if you include the second Hog Whisperer to direct traffic up field).


As for two War Pigs, well it is much more viable this edition but still a bit counter to the Gremlin advantages (high cost limits available support and you wont have as many models contributing to out activation or card cycling). If you really want to go that route I would recommend Ulix over Som'er. Som'er is really better at combined arms (piglets, bayou gremlin,s and some support, read as 1 or 2 models not the whole kitchen) or gremlin heavy than pig heavy. A single War Pig though can do wonders for directing those errant Set'er Off charges by blocking LOS to legal targets..

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I really want to integrate pigs into my list but they are such a liability.

They must charge if able, indeed, but they don't need to charge the closest target and their Cg is a whopping 8" (though with just a 1" Ml range) - with a bit of care you should be able to position them in way that is safe.

Charge them into an enemy and then take a Defensive Stance with them - removing them afterwards is really annoying! And when in Defensive Stance, you blast into combat with Somer and, if you shoot your own Piglet, can then choose between the cards flipped whether you want to kill the Piglet and get blasts or whether you want to keep it alive.

A single War Pig though can do wonders for directing those errant Set'er Off charges by blocking LOS to legal targets..

How does this work? War Pig itself is a legal target after all (unless Old Major is around)?
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As for two War Pigs, well it is much more viable this edition but still a bit counter to the Gremlin advantages (high cost limits available support and you wont have as many models contributing to out activation or card cycling). Som'er is really better at combined arms (piglets, bayou gremlin,s and some support, read as 1 or 2 models not the whole kitchen) or gremlin heavy than pig heavy.

Great points and also one of the reasons I love Somer. :)


They must charge if able, indeed, but they don't need to charge the closest target and their Cg is a whopping 8" (though with just a 1" Ml range) - with a bit of care you should be able to position them in way that is safe.

You know, I'm thinking of 1E rules again where it was the closest target, not just a legal target. Great point.

Also interesting tactic with Defensive Stance. I'll have to keep that in mind...


Once I get some more models painted up, I'll have to make my crews a little more porcine. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Since I´m using just plastics, I don´t got the chance to use every model desired (here in Europe, we´re happy if we get our stuff eventually...), but what do you guys say about this list:



+ Family Tree

+ Pig Feed


2x Bayou Gremlin


Burt Jebsen

+ Dirty Cheater




2x Piglet


Slop Hauler


War Pig


49pts./5 ss


The idea is to summon 2 more Gremlins in the first round and then heal them with the slop hauler. After that, Somer and Burt push the pigs into action and the 4 gremlins run for schemes, while the slop hauler helps the damage dealers by targeting opponents Df.



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Since I´m using just plastics, I don´t got the chance to use every model desired (here in Europe, we´re happy if we get our stuff eventually...), but what do you guys say about this list:



+ Family Tree

+ Pig Feed


2x Bayou Gremlin


Burt Jebsen

+ Dirty Cheater




2x Piglet


Slop Hauler


War Pig


49pts./5 ss


The idea is to summon 2 more Gremlins in the first round and then heal them with the slop hauler. After that, Somer and Burt push the pigs into action and the 4 gremlins run for schemes, while the slop hauler helps the damage dealers by targeting opponents Df.



I'd throw Saddle on Gracie to ferry Som'er around. It's hard to look at a list and say, "Yes this is a good list" without seeing Strats/Schemes.

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  • 1 month later...

I've been working on this idea too, made an Old Major proxie out of a spare Gracie, and also got a WarPig just good measure,

(though I don't run him that often for the reasons below.)


This was my plan.


Gracie get's reactivate almost every turn, (and I drag a slop hauler around with her saddle... for extra healing)

Old Major gets it whenever Biggest Hat works.


And the Warpig can get it from

a Hog Whisperer...

then get healed by a slop hauler.


that was the dream... three massive pigs... all reactivating... every turn.


Getting the War pig part of it to work proved tricky on actual boards as he was moving around much faster than the hauler and the Whisperer...

(any tips on making this work better, gratefully received)


So I kind of dropped the war pig.


What I'm finding is that

When Bigger Hat is your number 1 gambit... and ideally happening once per turn... early in the turn.

Go with models with Bayou Two Card... in a no hand situation Two Card is as good as a Plus... so it becomes much more valuable.



I haven't tried them yet but I just proxied up some Rooster Riders, which should be pretty cool. I plan to use them as scheme runners and surprise long distance chargers with the two Mozzies flying about... tying models up for a  turn or two and nullifying snipers etc...



people keep telling me to go summoner with somer... but I don't really feel like painting (or constructing) a million fiddly bayou boys...  and the pigs are huge, and look awesome!


so yeah!

Go pigs!

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