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What is Whispered: a Neverborn project log


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Alongside Lilith and her starting crew, I’ve also been “growing” a Mature Nephilim….

As with the other figures, I’m experimenting with grafting more “Neverbirth” onto the creature’s (relatively) human-looking aspects. In this case, I’m focusing most of my efforts on the creature’s wings. (This approach was inspired by a recent game in which the creature’s Wind Buffet cleared a small mob of opponents off of a scheme marker. Those can be very powerful wings!) I love the general shape and architecture of the wings as they looked on the sprue. But they're so clean, so smooth, so plain. I wanted something wilder and wyrder.

So I went to work. First tentatively....

....here and there...

Well, once you start this sort of thing, you kind of have to keep going...

Until I found myself with something like this:

I had some trouble with the area around the head. I wanted to create an effect vaguely suggesting a mane of some sort. After several trials and errors, I came up with this:

He needs cleaning up here and there, and some finishing touches, but that's the general idea.

Frankly if I had this project to do again, I’d do things a little differently, and try to make my work a little cleaner. But it’s time to prime this guy and get him to the painting table. Maybe in a few months I’ll try another take.

Thanks for looking. Let me know what you think.

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I absolutely and utterly hate you. :D

It's such a great moment when this thread pops up with you as the poster because usually there is something.. Well like that in here! That is freaking amazing again! And I have beaten this horse to death but that should have been how this crew looks like! Wyrd should contact you about a nightmare Lillith crew. I'd be a Lillith player in an instant. Keep it up. Amazing work. You are a king among men.

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I think the mature nephilim might be my favorite, and they're all incredibly well done.

You really get a sense that these things are growing out of him... almost looking like blood vessels across the shoulders.  Keep up the amazing work!  Can't wait to see some paint on them.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't much like the cherub (I think a little goes further than more), but everything is sculpted well and would look amazing on the tabletop across from me! I especially like the bursts coming around the feet of the Nephs and the stunted wings of Barbaros.



I eagerly await seeing more of your work! :huh:

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  • 1 year later...
8 hours ago, Grizelgrandt said:

I know it  is pretty late, but does anybody know which head was used for Lilith?  I just recently started with malifaux,  and thought of converting the Lilith box in a similar way. Heck I don't even know if anybody is going to read this, but it is worth a try. 

It's from the Through the Breach Female Multi-Part kit.

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