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Alps Slow and Summoning


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I just got the Dreamer box and I'm trying to figure out the Alps and how I can make the best use of them. 


My local meta has several resser players so I can see a lot of summoning fairly frequently. Now summoned models typically gain slow when they are summoned in. Alps Feed on Dreams ability does 1 point of damage to a model that gains slow within 3 inches. I'm assuming that this damage would be applied to the summoned model. 


If this is the case I'm seeing these as possible counters to summoning, especially to a molly crew as her summons come in with health based on the same range as the alps auras. If only alps are in range they would gain the same amount of health as they would receive from the alps summoning in more alps. You would need some careful positioning to make it effective but I could see it being somewhat effective in the right circumstances.



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Feed on Dreams works against models 'received' Slow near Alp and Models that are summoned 'gain' the Slow Condition.

I think 'receive' and 'gain' may be different, but English is not my mother tongue.

At least, your alp must be in 3" from summoned models for Feed on Dreams. It means your opponent can deny your idea. 

But I think it may be good counter against Molly. 

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That... Is something I'd never considered about Alps. A further complication on that though is that likely everything she is going to summon will have black blood. So if she summons something in 1" of your Alps, they will take damage for giving the summon slow. Meaning you'll kill it, but likely lose the whole group of Alps in the process.

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I think black blood would only go against any already in play Alps, as they need to be killed to summon in new ones so at worst you would break even for molly at least, and other summoners you would probably lose your alps but hopefully they stick around long enough to drain your opponents hand from their smother aura to at least slow down summoning.


And Nical thats kind of what I'm looking at. I think receive and gain would mean the same thing in this context but that may be up to interpretation and the timing of gaining slow which I would play as after being placed on the table and models not in play can't gain conditions. 

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I really don't think there is a difference in the meanings of 'recieve' and 'gain' in this instance. What I was wondering when I saw this post was the wording of the summoning rules, if the model comes into play with slow or if it gains it after being summoned. And the book is actually pretty clear in that it is gained after being summoned, so Feed on Dreams would indeed trigger and deal 1 dmg for each alp in range.


I guess that would work well against Molly to some extent.. since her summons have 0Wds+amount of models nearby, the any alps nearby would deal 1 dmg back, so unless they could be summoned near something other than alps they would die instantly, but as mentioned they'll not last long themselves against Molly probably.

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