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RAW: Obey - Horror Duel - Paralyze

scarlett fever


Apologies in advance, if you dislike hideous RAW twistings read no further.


So in my game today I had a situation where my Thunder Archer performed Rain of Arrows (at the end of the turn make a (2)Sh Attack Action) and choose to shoot Bad Juju, failing a Horror test.

There was a bit of discussion whether the Paralyzed Condition remains on the model so I looked through the rules.

After reading the rules for Actions, Activations, Horror Duels and the Paralyzed Condition I realised something odd.


Horror Duels

"A model that fails a Horror Duel immediately gains the Paralyzed Condition"

"Note that models that gain the Paralyzed Condition during their Activation immediately end their Activation", pg.48 big rulebook


Paralyzed Condition

"The Paralyzed Condition is removed at the end of a model's Activation"

"If a model gains the Paralyzed Condition during its Activation it loses all of its AP, may not take any more Actions, and ends its current Action with no effect." , pg.52 big rulebook


The last statement is conditional, the effects only apply to models gaining the Paralyzed Condition during their Activation.

However in the case in point the model is taking an Action outside of its Activation so therefore there is nothing in the rules to say that it ends its current Action. RAW the Action still goes through but the model gains the Paralyzed condition. I can't see anything in the rules to contradict this.


Of course at this point my opponent pointed out the obvious situation I'd forgotten, that of Obey and Terrifying. So we're all playing that you Obey a target to Attack a Terrifying model and give them Paralyzed, ending their Action. So of course that's how I played the Rain of Arrows situation, anything else would be odd (mind you Obey - Terrifying is a bit odd, as is the carry over Paralyzed), but it doesn't quite read that way.


Of course there could well be something I've missed.

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Do we know that models with a 0 inch melee range can hit things in base contact even?

I'm having flashbacks to the 0" move scenario.




This got discussed here, and whilst not conclusive, the general view seemed to be with no, you shouldn't be able to hit soemthign if your :melee range is 0

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This got discussed here, and whilst not conclusive, the general view seemed to be with no, you shouldn't be able to hit soemthign if your :melee range is 0

There was some really weird logic in that thread. I have played that models in base contact are at range zero from each other. This has come up with, e.g., a Paralyzed model being able to Pounce a model that is Pushed into base to base with it.

The fact that a 0" Push is not a move seems like an utterly different thing and I don't think has any bearing with this. I mean, what is the range supposed to be at base to base if not zero?

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