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Converting the new pigs


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I'm not so much a fan of the new plastic range but really love the style of the old metal range. Since I also have most of them still available I'm currently considering how to convert the new pigs out of them.

To name them, I want to convert myself:


- 1 Gracie

- 1 Sow

- 1 Old Major


The bigger pigs I'd have available would be 2 Peaches (from the Som'er Avatar box), one pig from the old Pigapult box and some Warpigs.


I think Peaches could be a decent fit for Gracie and Old Major. For Gracie I could plug all the accessoires from both peaches kits on her while leaving Old Major simple. For the Sow I have no ideas so far. I'm not really a fan of the three-headed version, so I'll maybe just stick with a single headed version. I'm thinking about the Pigapult pig sitting on the ground with two small Piglets sitting in front of it (aka: "the breeder" :D)


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