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Hoffman 50 S.S vs. Mei of 10 thunders

TMack N Hack

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Depends, as always. What are you trying to achieve? What VP do you aim for?


In general, one of the three big beaters, Looped in, makes for a good primary threat: Peacekeeper, Howard or Rail Golem. Ryle is a good investment, as are Watchers and Wardens.


You can read about Hoffman HERE.

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Yes have been reading him at pull my finger. Picking up the Ramos crew box today for more options. I think Howard would be big. Seems more high quality stuff works better with him?


Well, he can spread around the high quality, so you want some high quality to spread around in the first place. Ramos sure is a nice addition, especially since many of the Guild constructs aren't out in plastic yet.

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Sorry to hijack the thread, but you are asking something that directly relates to a post I was going to make... so I thought I would piggy back on your question! XD


So, I am somewhat dabbing my toe in with Hoffman and I'm curious, having never played Ramos and seeing as Hoffman can hire any M&SU construct, how do the steam punk arachnid singles fair as scheme runners? I was thinking of taking a pair of them for something like distract or deliver message since they like to latch on anyway. Or even take the swarm since in theory you could keep their melee triggers coming a little longer by bumping up their Ml score.


I think Howard and Joss are no-brainers, especially for someone without any of the metal models or the rail golem. But I didn't see much about the arachnids on the pull my finger entry.


(I just bought Hoffman and have a plastic Ramos box lying around and want to get the most mileage out of it that I can! lol)

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A good starting point to build out of Hoffman's starter box is to get yourself another Watcher, and possibly a pair of Soulstone Miners. Watchers and Miners are my go-to scheme runners for Hoffman, and run well for any Strategy or marker-based scheme. If you're playing Stake a Claim/Squatters Rights for example, 2 Watchers (give 1 Programmed Directive & the other Hydraulics) and 2/3 Soulstone Miners will cover both the Strategy and any Scheme like Breakthrough/Protect Territory/Outflank/Power Ritual/etc. Hunters can do this pretty well also, but if you have his crew box you've already got 2 of those.

If you're playing something more like Turf War/Reckoning then models like a Peacekeeper (god I love Peacekeepers), Ryle, or Howard Langston are good bets. Rail Golems are great also, but as mentioned above aren't the best choice to bring against Mei Feng. Hoffman has rediculous amount of healing, which makes running those elite 4/5 model crews viable. His Modification Upgrades also take what's already good and make them insane (Armour +3 or Nimble Peacekeepers are brilliant, and Ryle auto-triggering Raking Fire is pure magic).

Strategy, Scheme Pool, and table terrain are always the primary things to consider when building a crew, but my general Hoffman crew-frame looks kinda like this:


-Field Mechanic (2)

-Arcanist Assets (1)

Peacekeeper/Ryle/Langston/Joss/Rail Golem/insertbigpunchyconstructhere

X number of Watchers/Soulstone Miners

If you divide your crew into schemers (Watchers/Miners) & tanks (Peacekeeper/Langston/etc) and play for 10 points you should do brilliantly

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I have tried the Steam Arachnid Swarm on Ml7, and it was brutal. It charged and killed Francisco, and he was on full health with quite a few soulstones. Nasty little piece of work that not many people are used to seeing from Hoffman.

That's a pretty cool idea.

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I have tried the Steam Arachnid Swarm on Ml7, and it was brutal. It charged and killed Francisco, and he was on full health with quite a few soulstones. Nasty little piece of work that not many people are used to seeing from Hoffman.


Pretty nifty. Might mean that you get many Overwhelm attacks that way. I like it.

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