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I've made it my goal to never whine about cards...care to join me?


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Am I allowed to still whinge about ZFiend's cards?

In a recent game, on the first turn he burned a Stone for Tomes and started summoning three Spiders with Ramos: Black Joker.

On the second turn he was ready to end Sonnia with a full health Langston (while holding 12 and 13 of Rams) who only had to survive one charge from the Judge - Black Joker on defense, cheated Red Joker on damage: dead Langston.

On the third turn his Rail Worker had to kill a Witchling Stalker in order to be free to do Schemes for the rest of the game. Stalker has one wound left, Rail Worker hits, Black Joker to damage.

My victory wasn't due to planning and whatnot but rather just abysmal luck on my opponent's part.

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It's funny, I would say in Malifaux I have noticed my opponents' terrible luck way more than my own. It's pretty rare that my cards are consistently bad enough to warrant complaining about, but in one memorable game my opponent flipped the Black Joker on a potentially game-winning Silurid leap two turns in a row. We both had to stop and have a moment of WTF? over that one. 

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It's funny, I would say in Malifaux I have noticed my opponents' terrible luck way more than my own. It's pretty rare that my cards are consistently bad enough to warrant complaining about, but in one memorable game my opponent flipped the Black Joker on a potentially game-winning Silurid leap two turns in a row. We both had to stop and have a moment of WTF? over that one. 


I pretty regularly Black Joker Horror duels against measly Illuminated with their measly Terrifying 10. Kind of a running gag with my Neverborn opponent.

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Starting in mid-January, we started keeping track of my flips. Over the course of 22 consecutive games, I had won 8 initiative or deployment flips and that includes stoning for an extra card.


Yes, I do believe that like poker, anyone can win with a good hand, but good players win with a mediocre hand so I'm not whining. However, the comedic value is just stellar.


At this point, my local henchman has taken to reassuring my opponents that they needn't worry about going second, and that all they need to flip is a 5 or better.  We've begun crew building and theory-fauxing based around the assumption that I will be going second every turn. It's proving quite the puzzle.

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