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Give The Boy Some Time, We'll Settle With a Good Dust Up.

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AKA Bring Out cha' Henchmen!

Recently I've been playing quite a bit of 35SS Henchmen led dust ups. I really like this format and think you guys should check it out more if you haven't for a couple of reasons - it facilitates 3-4 player and story mode games much better - more people = more time and story mode is usually an unfamiliar setup which requires a bit of time to prep - and it also makes standard games much faster while still retaining the feel of a real Malifaux game (unlike Hardcore which feels very different) - so basically a down and dirty quick game. The lads and I can get 2 dust ups in after work as opposed to 3/4-1 full scrap.

What I'm looking for are particularly broken ass powerful builds - cheesier the better. We don't take it seriously and it usually turns into a battle for the cheesiest list.

Two of my favorite lists (and possibly some of the most powerful) both (unsurprisingly) come from Outcasts: Rusty Alyce and Hannah >:)

Alyce the Desolate - Don't mess with crazy.

Alyce - 4SS

Desolate Soul

From Aether

Desolation Engine

Ashes and Dust


Not much to say here - this is generic domination incarnated. Two big beaters and you still have 6 activations @35 stones to start. Rusty and DE is a combo to behold. Everyone makes Aboms and a 2 Activation swing @35ss is super effective.


Hannah Schmanna Big Fat Banana - When Books Can Kick Your Ass.

Hannah - 5SS

- Pay Better

- Survivalist


- Oathkeeper

(x3 - lawlz)

annnnnnnnnnd one more librarian.

Ever wanted to have no chance of winning at all? This list is broken as fuuuuuuuuu. Enjoy getting tabled every time all the time. Use for close and flank deployment - swap in Trapper x2 for Standard or Corner if needed.

I'd love to hear what other ridiculousness you devious chaps can come up with or just experiences with the format.

Huggy with Illuminatedx2 + Stitchedx3 anyone?

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as a non-outcast player- how does the Hannah list work that makes it so nasty? the Alyce list is pretty obvious but the three librarians has thrown me?


Firstly it's 4 Librarians... Secondly they can all Furiously Cast, 3 of them have Oath Keeper and they can all heal. Good luck getting through that mess! 


I'd take an expanded variation of my favorite HC format called "Kill me... if you can!"


Taelor -- 4 Pool
 +Oath Keeper [1]
Freikorps Librarian [7]
 +Oath Keeper [1]
Johan [6]
 +Oath Keeper [1]
Ronin [6]
Ronin [6]
Ronin [6]
How much HtK you ask?? ALL OF IT!!!
How much Flurry you ask? ALL OF IT!!!
How much ignore armour you ask? Yup.... ALL OF IT!!!
Also... heals for a laugh :D
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sounds nasty, furious casting is pretty brutal, but wouldn't the 4 card discard each turn really hurt your hand control?


Well yeah but Hannah comes with Arcane Reservoir so that mitigates it a little. Between 12 Attacks from the top deck or only cheating the ones that really matter you can pretty much guarantee at least 1 dead model per turn then clean up afterwards and grab some VP once you've deleted the enemy. 

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MasterDisaster hits it pretty good but I'd suggest some other points to draw your attention towards - its really the only group that can clump up and not suffer the consequences of that formation - Freikorps armor is one helluva thing. Also as a generic framework for how to approach the list - Hannah takes centerstage in a more or less tight arrowhead formation and you literally board you opponent by walking through them - hopefully the hits land on hannah since she will be closest and biggest and scariest but your opponent will have to move around that busty lady to get to the others and with that much healing hannah has no problem hitting the melee. Now go harass your friends with it - if you've played 7th Edition Fantasy you'd know about ChosenStar... well, this is HannahStar. B) Burn the Oathkeeper for your heals and still be able to furious cast... wowza.

Love that Taelor build! I was looking into Taelor a bit too because I wanted a bunch of female henchman crews and that sounds great.

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How much HtK you ask?? ALL OF IT!!!

How much Flurry you ask? ALL OF IT!!!
How much ignore armour you ask? Yup.... ALL OF IT!!!
Also... heals for a laugh :D


I don't get it. Taelor doesn't flurry and only the Ronin ignore armour innately with Taelor having an unsuited trigger for it, the others never ignore armour.

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