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Vasilisa with Dreamer


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So I thought of playing Vasilisa with the Dreamer and Using the Strum the threads upgrade. Then taking a whole bunch of Stitched together. Quick question In general timing it is possible to have the strum the threads damage happen first and then have the Dreamer heal aura happen to heal those wounds back up? 


Thanks in advance.

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Well he can summon those things in with not even that high of a card, heal them up over hard to kill and it gets to a point you want to lose on Gamble your Life to get Reactivate and keep doing it. Sheesh. It's bad. Haven't played Dreamer in about a year though.

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I like 'mastermind' style, so I usually play Collodi, Lucius, Dreamer and Vasilisa, and I think about Zoraida now. 


Vasilisa has Df 7, so she become very durable against :ranged or Charge by Mimic's Blessing. But Vasilisa has only Wp 5, Wd 6. 

So Wp Attack is most dangerous counter against her. And 9ss is too expensive to throw away.  


And Vasilisa's Obey looks useful, but it has big problem. It needs :mask .

Neverborn has many good actions need  :mask , so you must think about how you use  :mask cards. 

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Thanks for the link, I like these type of crews because they hard hard to play with and a lot of tricks to remember but when you get it right they are fun and bad ass. Guild is just so boring let me just stand and shoot(Perdita) where as the dreamer has auras pulses pushes and a whole bunch of fun things to do. 


Sorry if I offend any one :P

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Yeah, sure, Guild is boring. They just shoot at anyone, because this game is so easily won by shooting. All they do is shoot, nothing to challenge the tactical mind, just unlike such tactically variable masters like Raspy, Levi and McMourning.



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Thanks for the link, I like these type of crews because they hard hard to play with and a lot of tricks to remember but when you get it right they are fun and bad ass. Guild is just so boring let me just stand and shoot(Perdita) where as the dreamer has auras pulses pushes and a whole bunch of fun things to do. 


Sorry if I offend any one :P


Superfically you might be right, but when you look deeper with the guild, I think you might find they can be just as complex and hard to get the full potential of.

Might not be your thing still, but for example Perdita is much much more than just a stand and shoot master.

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