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Need basing ideas for a Kaeris crew!

Da Git

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Hey guys, looking for some ideas for basing my Kaeris crew... this is going to be a pretty much stand alone crew and will consist of:



Iggy (as Child of Malifaux),



2 Gunsmiths

1 LSA (made from Brss Arachnid)

3 Fire gammin

1 Mech Rider


any good ideas for the base theme?

Thinking of Secret Weapon Bases Lava flow bases but not sold yet... Not sure what I want!


Inspire me!

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I went with fine sand which I'll be painting as ashen ground and I've embedded skulls and various bones into the ground which will be painted as the charred remains of my crew. Nothing flashy, just quick, easy and simple. All you need is some GS to build up the base, fine sand and a few skeletons you don't mind chopping up! 

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With 11 models you are looking at quite the investment in resin bases. Might be easier to make your own. You could base coat a base in red, slap a bunch of Citadel Technical Agrellan Earth on top of that and let it dry. After that you are just some drybrushing and touchups away from a cracked earth lava base. Could be cool and really, relatively easy.

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Requirement has a point, the more models you add in, the more of an investment it is to get premade bases. On that same thought, if you were to ever expand the crew and those particular bases were no longer available, then you'd be up a creek.


I'd make my own, just keep some of the supplies on hand in case you ever expand. I like the idea of the ground splitting open and lava being beneath it. that would look pretty great, though I have heard mixed reviews of that particular technical paint. I guess it does take a bit of trial and error to get the coat size down right. but if you put in the practice, that would look pretty stellar and would be easy enough to accomplish. Bonus points if you do some mild source lighting from the cracks! ;)

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With 11 models you are looking at quite the investment in resin bases.


You'd be surprised, I recently managed to acquire the following





2 Performers

2 Mannequins

3 Mech. Doves

and the kicker... Coryphee + Duet blister


This is a total of 12/13 models and I managed to get resin bases for them all with spares for additions to the crew for  around £7 on good old eBay.  This is what I used http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Deck-resin-bases-great-for-Malifaux-Warmachine-Mercenaries-pirates-and-cryx-/151589892214?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&var=&hash=item234b763076


This cost me a fraction of what I had to pay for the Coryphee let alone the rest of the models. However custom bases are more personal and can be pretty fun to make. 

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This is a total of 12/13 models and I managed to get resin bases for them all with spares for additions to the crew for  around £7 on good old eBay. 

Ebay?! Who has time to wait for things to ship to them!?


You can get some pretty cheap bases, yes. I have, myself, typically used premade resin bases with pretty good results. There is certainly nothing wrong with going for this option. Likewise, my friend made his own bases for his Colette crew with some simple scored balsa sheets for a hardwood floor effect. Cost about $4 with plenty to spare. I would argue that making your own typically comes out to be cheaper for bases (especially for those of us who can't wait for shipping times).


Whatever you end up going with, I'm sure they will look great. The two nice things about basing are: 1) they can be changed easier than just about anything else on the model, and; 2) There are so many basing options that your head could explode!

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Yeah... talking about exploding heads... I'm having this same issue looking at rebasing my entire group of 10T stuffs. it has been... interesting, to say the least! :P


That is quite an impressive haul from Ebay though. funny enough... I just sent that EXACT crew list to a guy in Germany. Said he was ordering them for a friend. Do you have a friend in Germany? :P


And yeah, to your point, I think the only reason I don't like the premade bases is because I enjoy making them myself. I certainly don't have a problem with how they look. Most I've seen lately look really good! I just like to do it myself. Same reason I don't have other people paint my miniatures, I suppose.

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