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How many Piglets?


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The Hog Whisperer also comes with one. Assuming you pick him for Pork Whisperin', that's four piglets. Until the Sow comes out, that's probably enough unless you get very lucky with Somer.


I personally bought two boxes but I probably won't use them until Ulix and The Sow have models.

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I've been playing a ton of Ulix with the Sow and Husbandry and I've yet to need all of the 9 I own, very close though. So I'd say 3 or 4 is fine to start (ie the box and a Hog Whisperer) to start with. If you ever get into Ulix, 7 or 8 should be plenty, even with the Sow (if she dies even).

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The Hog Whisperer also comes with one. Assuming you pick him for Pork Whisperin', that's four piglets. Until the Sow comes out, that's probably enough unless you get very lucky with Somer.

Why would Som'er need to get lucky to summon piglets? He can easily provide the required :crows for his trigger via Do It Like Dis! and can also provide plenty of easily killed Bayou Gremlin's every other turn. If desired Som'er could easily summon 3 Piglets every other turn and if Lenny happened to be in the crew another 2 summoned Piglets per turn aren't outside the realm of possibility.

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Sure, I mean lucky in the sense that you probably aren't going to go out of your way to pull it off. Considering how potentially destructive his shooting is with Dumb Luck, I can't really think of a scenario in which he'd be running about sacrificing his own Gremlins for Piglets en masse.

Perhaps I just haven't played the right schemes? :)

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Targeting a wounded Bayou Gremlin with the Pig Prodder can be a lucrative option for a Som'er crew. It provides a full health Piglet to replace a CTD Bayou Gremlin, affords a 1 SS savings over hiring piglets, will provide 2 Control Cards due to Survival of the Fittest and can contribute to out activation due to providing yet another activation for the gremlin crew. Additionally, if the Gremlin Taxidermist is lurking around it will also provide the Corpse counter he needs to summon a Stuffed Piglet for the crew.


All these benefits can make the crew a bear to face, especially if the Pigapult or another of the gremlin elite is in the vicinity.

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I was actually going to leave Sommer to farm gremlins and taking potshots in between farmin' and leave my piggies for when Ullix comes out (or the Sow, whichever comes first). Im not going to settle for just the Bayou boss box, may end up buyin another one, sell the man and Lenny, and keep the Gremlins and the skeeters for the win.


I heard some of you Gremlin bosses out there swear by 2X 4 gremlins on a Sommer factory crew, so I am giddy about givin' it a try too.

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