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Video Tutorials: Hamelin

Hateful Darkblack

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Hi all! I just posted a video tutorial about Hamelin: Hateful Darkblack's Intro to Hamelin.


It's intended to be an intro video to give an idea of how the Crew works, for those who might be picking it up, or who might be facing Hameling for the first time. 


This is similar to the videos I did for Jack Daw and Leveticus. it's a little longer than those because Hamelin has more Core Crew, and because I go through the long activation/summoning chains that are possible with a Plagued Crew.


Please give it a look! Comments welcome, here or there.

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I just wanted to say thanks for this video, Hateful Darkblack (or should I say Ted?). I played my first game with Hamelin yesterday, and it went really well - took forever, but I felt like I already knew what I was doing thanks to this video, and managed to eke out a victory. Usually I have to play a master half a dozen times at least before I come even close to winning a game, so thanks for starting me on the right track! The Leveticus video was great too - did you ever end up doing a Tara one?

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