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What else with the Ortegas?


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So I just picked up a Latigo Posse box and am wondering if anyone can give me a few good ideas on what would work well with it?


I'm thinking the obvious Latigo Pistoleros, and Abuela...but what else? Anything outside of the box?

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This is my 50pt list. I picked up Perdita as my first box in Mk1 and I always fall back on her when I need something familiar. I think she plays well in most environments



- trick shooting







Peace Keeper


prolly some subpar choices, but the crew really works for me. I like to blend melee and ranged with some hard tankyness. I really dig the peacekeeper model to, it was my first Malifaux model so I try to shoehorn it into as many lists as I can. I definetly recommend austringers. I like to tuck them behind buildings and snipe out enemy models with very little reprisal.

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I think starting with the Pistoleros is a safe bet. Try a few games. Then decide what you think you're lacking and get models to fill in there. It's really going to depend on your playstyle I think. Guild have so many models that can play well with any crew that a question like yours can get fifty different answers.

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