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Winning Malifaux Strategies (Guild Edition)


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Hello guild players, I've been recently trying to find more information and articles for the guild to improve my game. What I haven't really found yet was a good generalist guide for strategies and schemes for the guild specifically (likely since its an enormous feat to do alone) and I thought it was long past time for us guild players to start compiling our information together.


So the idea is for you folks to post that you like to take Y model/s with X master you when you are doing strategy Z. Then give an explanation for your choice. Additionally, if you consider a master and/or model weak against a certain strategy feel free to post that as well. I'll then keep this post updated with the running list of thoughts. Make sense? Lets start it off with the original strategies then can expand into the new ones. The second post I've made also will include "core crews" that you take for anything, but have at least 10 points to modify for specific strategies & schemes.




All Crews

Sonnia Crews

Lady Justice Crews

Perdita Crews


Hoffman Crews

  • 2x Tough Constructs from this list (Guardian, Peacekeeper, Rail Golem, Howard Langston, Joss) then keep them power looped, modified with added armor, and healed from shakedown scrap

Lucius Crews

McCabe Crews

McMourning Crews




All Crews

Sonnia Crews

Lady Justice Crews

Perdita Crews

Hoffman Crews

  • Models that can do the killing are Howard Langston, Peacekeeper, Hunters, Wardens, Joss
  • Hunters and Wardens can be used to position enemies into key areas

Lucius Crews

McCabe Crews

McMourning Crews




All Crews

  • Guild Pathfinders and Clockwork traps can be positioned on the squat markers at the start of the game

Sonnia Crews

Lady Justice Crews

Perdita Crews

Hoffman Crews

  • Watchers and Hunters to claim squat markers by turn 2
  • Guardians with 3" engagement to defend flipped squat markers

Lucius Crews

McCabe Crews

McMourning Crews




All Crews

Sonnia Crews

  • Take Sonnia upgrades reincarnation to flood board with stalkers and then counterspell aura (to stop lures)

Lady Justice Crews

Perdita Crews

Hoffman Crews

  • Take a couple fast/survivable models from list (Hunter, Guardian, Warden) with Hoffman to quickly push into the enemy side of the board. Then a second group (Francisco, Santiago, Pistoleros, Hounds) pushes into the other enemy quarter while leaving a few models behind in your quarters.
  • Hunters placed close to the line can chain harpoon & drag models to the center line, the 6" bubble in the middle, or another zone
  • Wardens can push models into other zones or into one of the "dead" zones to negate them from scoring

Lucius Crews

McCabe Crews

McMourning Crews




All Crews

Sonnia Crews

Lady Justice Crews

Perdita Crews

Hoffman Crews

  • Take 2x watchers and upgrade one with programmed directive and the other with hydraulics

Lucius Crews

McCabe Crews

McMourning Crews

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Core Crew Lists For All Strategies (50ss)


Post #3 List

Sonnia -
 +Cherufe's Imprint [1]
 +Counterspell Aura [1]
 +Expert Sleuth [1]

Malifaux Child [3]
Brutal Effigy [4]
Death Marshal [6]
Guild Austringer [6]
Guild Austringer [6]
Papa Loco [7]


Stones Used: 35

Stones Left:15

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General Sonnia Crew from all strategys and schemes.


Guild Crew - 50 - Scrap

Sonnia -- 3-5 Pool
 +Cherufe's Imprint [1]
 +Counterspell Aura [1]
 +Expert Sleuth [1]

Malifaux Child [3]
Brutal Effigy [4]
Death Marshal [6]
Guild Austringer [6]
Guild Austringer [6]
Papa Loco [7]


After this you have 15 stones to play with. Can put expert sleuth on Papa loco if need be and take Reincarnation if you want. and why expert sleuth well +2 to the int flip is amazing, Especially when you need to win it since you are gambling Sonnia's Life. Making Walls is the only reason why the Child is in the list. so terrain dependent or if SS starved drop him and use 3 stones for what ever. If You don't take counterspell aura you are denying yourself an amazing upgrade that says Sonnia cant be lured, and it also effects enemy models that are standing near Sonnia. by that i mean if they are targeted by Friendly (enemy to you) CA actions they lose suits.

scheme heavy Guild hounds/ watchers, guild guard. .


Squatters rights- some Traps and at least one watcher 2 is ideal. Use the watchers to double walk, use the austringers to make them interact claim 1-2 markers first turn. the traps are used to deny the opponent markers ofc


Turf War- What ever floats your boat or tickles your fancy. stalkers do fine since they explode on the enemy and could light things on fire sammy might have a modicum of usefulness .


Reckoning- Again really your choice


Stake a Claim- take 1-2 watchers and turn 1 use the austringers to push them across the center line so turn 2 you drop claim markers can also be used to place two markers on the line for ALITS


Reconnoiter- I prefer guild guard since get 2 of them and they are df6 armor 1. and well there is two of them. austringers hold down a quarter by themselves. Sonnia and DM go trundling towards and enemy Quarter with papa in a box.  Brutal effigy is significant and can do what ever needs to be done as long as he is withing 8" of Sonnia. (6 if you want to accomplice.)




:+fate to Damage on Sonnia, everyone hates Austringers since you can use them to complete schemes and kill stuff,Brutal keeps Sonnia alive and gives her cards. Death marshal is scheme runner/ Papa's chauffeur :P


The weakness of this crew is its minions and people feel the need to take big beat sticks (at least one) but you have 15 stones left so take one if that's your style. Some people will say NO SAMMMY!!!?!?!?!?!? OMG NOPE NOOOOBBB. and i will just laugh at you. same with stalkers if you think you need them 15 stones to get them no biggie.

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General Winning Stuff Blah Blah C. Hoffman (Edit and Format how you will)




Hoffman loves turf war. Get a couple big beefy guys who can take a beating (guardian, peacekeeper, Rail Golum) add in more armor (patchwork playing), give them better defenses (in the loop), and then shake 'em down for scrap and heal them when/if they get hurt. If they're a big enough a threat they can take out a bunch of models that come to threaten them, and with Hank in the field, he can shut down a fair bit of shooting with steam cloud.


Squatters Rights-

Use your watchers and hunters to try and take tokens early, then reinforce with larger models with larger engagement range to protect then markers you have, and force the opponent off of marker's they've taken.



Divide and conquer- get a couple fast/survivable constructs and team them up with Hoffman (Think Hunter, Guardian, Warder), then a secondary crew to push a second quarter (Francisco, Santiago, and some Pisteleros or dogs). As you push into the enemy quarters, leave some behind to keep the clear quarters, and make them work for the other two.


Stake a Claim-

Use Machine Puppet to give watchers even better movement. With two watchers, one with Hydraulics and the other with programmed directive, you should be able to get 4-6 well spaced claim markers starting in turn two onwards.



Much like turf war, but a little trickier. Take enough high power models to kill a couple things, like Howard and a Peace Keeper, and hunters/wardens. The hunters and wardens can be used to get bonuses based on turn order, and Hank and the Peacekeeper can clean up after things have been softened. Also, using harpoons and knockbacks to push them into traps can be very useful. Nearly kill something, but not quite? Machine puppet. Hoffman's everywhere you want to be.


Schemes to try and get-

Things with scheme markers are fairly easily accomplished with a watcher and hydraulics or programmed directive. Deliver the message is good, protect territory can be good, Entourage can be slick (with either Ryle with his extra movement (maybe hydraulics as well?)) or hoffman himself, as he can potentially ride muitiple models across large expenses without having to activate. (Mechanical attendant to hunter to watcher to watcher). Bodyguard can be good with high durability and heal support.

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How many times have you won the Ini flip because of that +2? Meaning ones that you would've lost (or tied) without it?

For most flips it makes a difference for 12/54 cards (fewer cards on the extreme high/low) but I guess you would be more inclined to spend a stone to reflip when you have already burned your upgrade so a bit higher then those ~20%.

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a 7 turning into a 9, a 9 turning into an 11, and 13 turning into 15 (hey it beats red jokers.)


I gamble with sonnia alot. And it pays off most times. having her in range to nuke a crew turn 2 with and then winning it since you burned a 1ss upgrade you just have since its there. (papa loco actually gains benefit since he can push towards something then blow up) i have better uses for Sonnia 0 actions lol.


But it has won me a few games. forcing a reflip cause i have a lower card is fine by me.

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