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Scheme legbreakers?


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Definitely agree Nekima is great, though she's a lot of points to spend for that. (Doesn't mean I don't use her that way, just saying.) Coppelius is good, though he is also a good scheme runner himself so often gets used that way. Lilitu and Beckoners can be good, to lure the opponent's runners into range of your hitters and out of their own desired location, and they both have useful non-interact options (e.g., Lilitu's 4 inch melee); when I run Lilith I use her Tangle Shadows on low-WP scheme runners to get them away from where they want to be and where I want them ... well, dead. (I like to use Lilith for this role because it reminds me not to run her too far forward where she is often not as resilient as I would want her to be.) When Plant Explosives/Deliver a Message/Distract/Cursed Object are in the mix, Tannen's Chatty, with a Doppleganger to copy, can provide really useful and quite broad dead zones for schemers. So, depends what schemes the scheme runners are likely to be after. I'm sure there are more options, too.

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To make it a bit more specific - supposing Breakthrough and Protect Territory are available, and you are crew with access to Silurids (Neverborn/Marcus). What would you take to chase a model like that down? Nekima seems awfully pricey to send chasing Silurids, but if she takes 6 VP off the table for your opponent she's a bargain.

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For this purpose, I almost always take Coppelius with On Dreaming Wings.  He kills the enemy scheme runners, gets harder to kill, and then goes and does his own scheme.  He's just hard enough to deal with that the opponent has to commit more resources than his scheme runners, which makes the violence portion of the game easier as well.

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Someone mentioned Tannen for certain schemes, but one that he is often missed on is power ritual.  It won't work if its not standard or close deployment because he is so slow, but his aura can for the most part deny one of your corners, and since it is so often declared, you can see it coming before they get there.  It solves Tannen's vulnerability issues too, because your average scheme runner doesn't want to be in a continuing fight over a corner.

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Generally, Ways to spoil Opponent's Scheme Run are two. Kill Scheme Runners or Deny them. And Neverborn can do all ways. 

I like to use Vasilisa for Denial. She is Fast, and Her Melee Triggers and Obey can spoil Opponent's Scheme Run. 

But she is expensive and very fragile, so I don't recommend her to others. 

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