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Zoraida Tactica


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I am afraid the doll couldn't hem if paralyzed, even if obeyed, since paralyze reduces all action ranges to 0



A model with the Paralyzed Condition generates no AP and can declare no Actions during its Activation (not even 0 Actions which cost no AP). The range of all :melee Actions a model has is considered 0 while it is affected by the Paralyzed Condition, and will therefore not engage enemy models. page 53 Big book.


Hem is not a :melee  it can be obeyed to be cast again


Add to this the defence trigger Regret (which you will be burning for or playing a crow on) and even if the attack lands your opponent better hope its a weak blow or the enemies activation ends.

To make Regret better though, it doesn't even matter how much damage you take.

If you sponge the damage up by burning a soul stone to reduce damage they still inflicted moderate or severe.



Highly contentious, If you suffer 0 damage I inflicted 0 damage. therefore if my moderate is 3 and you prevent 3 by using a SS then my activation is not ended. Moot point ofc since most things need to focus to get here.  Unless you are facing things like shenlong or Guild rifleman with dashel then Zorida dies REALLLY easily.


But i do like the Spiel it made me look at her slight different :D 

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Highly contentious, If you suffer 0 damage I inflicted 0 damage. therefore if my moderate is 3 and you prevent 3 by using a SS then my activation is not ended. Moot point ofc since most things need to focus to get here.  Unless you are facing things like shenlong or Guild rifleman with dashel then Zorida dies REALLLY easily.




All other points spot on but I disagree with this point. If the enemy does moderate or severe on the flip then I think regardless of how much damage you eventually take after reduction and prevention they still "inflicted" moderate or sever so should end their activation. But that is just my view

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All other points spot on but I disagree with this point. If the enemy does moderate or severe on the flip then I think regardless of how much damage you eventually take after reduction and prevention they still "inflicted" moderate or sever so should end their activation. But that is just my view


If a model flips moderate or severe, that is what they flip regardless of damage prevention or reduction.

The contentious part is the use of the phrase "model inflicts" rather than "after this model suffers": the rule as written approach would suggest to me that it is too ambiguous- inflict is essentially EITHER on the hit OR after damaging- is is a rule as intended, and there is a good case for both...rules question..?

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A few musings with Zoraida’s Obey (apologies if these are common knowledge, but they were questions I pondered when I first started using Zoraida)


A model which is activated via Obey is still not a friendly model. This can be vital information for scoring VP.


Reckoning – If you Obey an enemy model to kill another enemy model it will not count for the Reckoning stipulation of killing two enemy models per turn.

Scheme Markers – Same as above, you cannot make enemy models place your scheme markers, but they can remove their own.


Assassinate – Fine, it states ‘If the enemy Leader is killed or sacrificed’.


Make them suffer – An obvious one, but Zoraida will not get the VP if she Obeyed an enemy Model to kill another enemy model. Also worth remembering that she will not get the VP if the model died via Sewn Fate damage, as that is a condition from the Voodoo Doll.


Murder Protégé – Fine, it states, ‘if the noted enemy model is killed or sacrificed’.


Frame for murder – Fine, it states, ‘if the chosen ‘Sucker’ model is killed or sacrificed by an enemy model.



Obey shenanigans


If playing with Bad Ju Ju, Obey an enemy model to SH at him. They will have to take a terrifying 13 WP duel. As the controlling model, you cheat down the obeyed models result, failing the Terrifying duel and subsequently giving you a paralysed enemy model. Alternatively you can walk them into Bad Ju Ju’s engagement range, they’d have another horror duel and have to deal with Ju Ju’s decent damage spread.

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Scheme Markers – Same as above, you cannot make enemy models place your scheme markers, but they can remove their own.

You can't use enemy models to remove enemy scheme markers. You can use them to remove your own scheme markers, but I'm not sure why would you want to.
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I think "Hexed among you" works on Swampfiend Minons, rather than models.

Oh dear, indeed it does, i'll edit out that part.



You can't use enemy models to remove enemy scheme markers. You can use them to remove your own scheme markers, but I'm not sure why would you want to.

I stand corrected, apologies.

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