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Need for speed


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No, not amphetamine, I'm not that kind of guy, but a faster playing experience. I always tend to like 'movey' rather than 'tanky' factions when I play so obviously my first faction was......Guild! Yes, I know! So if I'm loking to branch out into another faction and I want to be able to have a wide choice of movement tricks and fast models what would be my best bet? I want to avoid ressurectionists and Arcanists but the rest all appeal.

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Honestly, you should try playing Hardcore, haha.

It's like the 9-ball of Malifaux. Not to mention that it allows you to easily branch out into mini-crews of other factions and then build from those mini-crews into full crews for the factions (or characters from factions) you enjoy most.

You get your speed fix and the right crew for you. Most factions have speed crews so you have choice almost no matter which you choose.

From what I've experienced - a lot of people buy a faction then realize they don't like it and start playing another once they discover it.

I would not ask other people what they think. If I were you I would research each crew of each faction - decide which crews you like best from the factions and go from there once you narrow your focus.

Running games against friends, or just mock ups if need be, with blank base proxies can let you see first hand what the crew can do before you even commit to investing in them.

TL;DR? Play Daw.

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I cannot think of neither a Neverborn nor TT Master who doesn't play a fast crew, or has a movement trick him- or herself.


10T and Neverborn are definitely the best when it comes to movement tricks. Combine the two and take Lynch. His Illuminated are pretty swift themselves. Beckoners can be useful for Lure movement tricks, Hungering Darkness is no slow poke and Incorporeal making his accessability to just about anywhere guaranteed and Terror Tots with Lynch are insanely fast. If you have the Ace of  :mask you can keep cheating it in to get the double movement from Sprint which makes them probably THE best scheme runners in the game with Lynch. I can't think of many other models that can move 20" on a turn reliably (in the event you get the Ace you need, which to be honest isn't that hard with Lynch).


Lynch can also use a the Squeel trigger on one of his upgrades to scoot about if he is attacked. Graves can throw people around for extra movement and if it's the enemy he can follow it up with a fence post to the face. Doppelgangers can copy many of these actions for double bubble giving you even more craziness, The Depleted can use a (0) to move towards models with Brilliance (Friend or Foe) and Lilitu is yet another source of Lure should you wish to go down that road!


Over all Lynch combines the best of both worlds depending on which faction you declare. I tend to use him as Neverborn but as he can Infiltrate he can bring upto 4 of his peeps into the 10T for some Neverborn shenanigans. This wont allow you Terror Tots or Lilitu but the others are pretty much all good. 

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Gremlins are ridiculously fast. Certainly on par with TT and the Neverborn (and likely surpassing them, though that is kinda hard to quantify). They have, on the whole, good Mv values, access to three AP and a veritable cornucopia of movement tricks within their faction.

The Gremlins epitomize the "Live fast, die young" ideal that, some other has-been Factions such as Neverborn sorta try to dabble in. ;)

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Thanks! Lynch stood out as a favourite after reading both the new books. I'll definately be getting him at some point. Spectre, what's Hardcore? Is it the same as with WM/H?


Hardcore Malifaux is a fast and furious type of game "mode" with some specific rules


20ss Limit

4 Models - No more, no less.

Henchman led crews 

No Summoning allowed

Close Deployment

Turf War & Assassinate are the only objectives.


There are some slight variations on this but this is the basics. It's designed for fast and brutal action, most games only last around 20-30 minutes. 


Not sure how this differs from Warmahordes as I've only started playing that recently but it's really good fun and there are some great little crew combinations you can put together. 

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Hardcore Malifaux is a fast and furious type of game "mode" with some specific rules


20ss Limit

4 Models - No more, no less.

Henchman led crews 

No Summoning allowed

Close Deployment

Turf War & Assassinate are the only objectives.


There are some slight variations on this but this is the basics. It's designed for fast and brutal action, most games only last around 20-30 minutes.

I believe that the most common addition to those is that unused SS are simply wasted and don't add to the Cache in the game.

It is good fun but really a completely different experience. Not a substitute for the main meal of 45-50SS games but a very fine snack.

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Yes, that's totally different from Warmachine hardcore which is timed turns and stuff. I don't mind a game of Warmachine but it's all about Malifaux for me personally at the moment.


I will be getting Gremlins eventually but I haven't been very impressed with the first few plastics that have come out (they look excessively hard to put together and some of the scaling issues are rediculous). I do really like the look of the wave 2 Gremlin masters though so it will probably be a faction I look at next year when they've released more models for it (it's still the most 'model starved' faction I'd say).

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