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Tengu and Clockwork Traps



Just a quick one as it cropped up in a game recently.


Tengu have shooting star 'at the start of this model's activation it may be placed within 5" of a friendly scheme marker'


Traps have 'at the beginning of an enemy model activation it must take a Wk duel or receive slow' [paraphrase]


My question is which one happens first? My tengu wanted to escape the trap but my opponent thought the trap's ability  goes first. In the end it was ruled trap goes first.


Just wondering what everyone's thoughts were on this.



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To break down specifically why this is:

Tengu activates next to Sebastian.
Falling Star and Catalyst "go on the stack" -- get added to effects to be resolved, since they have the same timing.
Tengu's controller decides the order to resolve the effects.
Tengu resolves Falling Star first and places far enough away from Sebastian to be outside Induction's range.
Catalyst now resolves -- regardless of range, since the Tengu already met all the conditions required by Catalyst to trigger -- and the Tengu takes 1 damage if he has poison. Because the Tengu is no longer within the aura of Induction, the Tengu does not take damage from Induction. Induction doesn't check to add damage until a model actually takes poison damage, which only occurs when Catalyst resolves.

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It's "a model" not "a controller".

The subject of the clause is "A model's controller", it's a controller, that is expected to choose something. For the text to have a point it needs to refer to a single controller/player. If you were supposed to use General Timing the text on p 36 can only offer confusion, and sure the whole sentence could be a copy editing mistake that should have been cut, but until we are told that in a FAQ I will continue to treat it as a rule.

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