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How about Lucius with Vasilisa?


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I think Vasilisa can replace Captain Deshel in Lucius Crew by her Obey. (If you don't take guild riflemen.)


Because obey can give AP to models that can't be buffed by issue Command or give more AP to minions.


For Example, I will use Lucius + Vasilisa + Austringer x 2 + Doppleganger combo.


Lucius can take Austringer. but he can't use Issue command to Austringers. 


But Vasilisa can use obey to them. So they can attack at most 6 times.  


And Vasilisa is not leader, so Doppleganger can use mimic to copy her obey or Austringer's Raptor. Now they can attack at most 8-9 times. 


Austringer's main attack (Raptor) is not require LoS and ignore Cover. (So wyrd makes "non-austringer" restrictions in wave 2)


I think it is not powerful as buffed rifleman's shot, But austringer can shoot in the blind spot safely.



How about Your Ideas? 

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That's a LOT of 7+ cards to burn through. Also note that you can't Obey someone to attack more than once per activation.


But yes! Vasilisa with Lucius works awfully well!

Yes, It's My tactic's Greatest Problem. So I think about Mr. Tannen.


He can use "Leave it to Luck", So I will use :mask 5+ Cards for obey. And he is mimic.  


And My Combo Always be using first obey to Austringer A, Second to Austringer B in an Activation. So I take two Austringer.




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Just be aware that Vasilisa's Obey needs a  :mask, so you will have to use SS or have a 7 :mask  or higher in hand for her to use her Obey. The Doppelganger won't be able to use SS, but will still need the 7 :mask or higher.


I think I must take full 7ss. I like to take Vasilisa, and she be always hungry for soulstones in game. 



You could get around the  :mask issue by giving the Doppelganger Depression and discarding a low  :mask for the suit. Depression on the Doppelganger is a pretty good plan regardless, since it can also make it easier to get the  :tome needed for Perfect Blend.


Depression's "Delight is Despair" is (0) Action. Sadly, Mimic is (0) Action, too.

But I think Doppleganger can copy Austringer's raptor to save soulstones & cards.(But non-triggers).

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I tried Vasilisa/Doppelganger Obey spam with a Lelu/Lilitu Zoraida list once, and I found it really just drained out all my cards!


I like Collodi / Vasilisa or Lucius / Vasilisa to control my opponent's Crew and give more AP to my minions. 


It is useful tactic, but It needs much cards (or thought to save resources) as you say and needs to keep Vasilisa. She is very fragile.   

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Depression's "Delight is Despair" is (0) Action. Sadly, Mimic is (0) Action, too.

But I think Doppleganger can copy Austringer's raptor to save soulstones & cards.(But non-triggers).


Bah, I should have realized there was a reason no one else was using that trick. Thanks for setting me straight.

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I think Austringer is not a good enough model to spam obey on.


So I said "I think it is not powerful as buffed rifleman's shot". But I want to talk about synergy of Lucius & Vasilisa, Austringers + Obey Spam is one of examples.  


And Neverborns have other "good enough" models like Illuminated or Beatstick Enforcers. In truly, I like to take "some" Stitched Togethers with Lucius & Vasilisa. 


Vasilisa's (0) Action can give "Free" AP to Stitched, and Obey be usually used to control opponent's Models. Because Stitched can be targeted Issue Command. 

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"Some people say that I'm some sort of king-maker, controlling the Governor like some sort of puppet master. Nothing could be further from the truth. I am but a simple Secretary. A public servant, smoothing the functions of government, no more. I am no puppet master."


*a skulking puppet servant is briefly visible planting evidence in the background, then sheepishly apologizes and ducks away*


"Have that one executed."

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It's worth remembering that commanding presence doesn't have the 'non-Austringer' clause and buffs from a Guild Captain or Lawyer can make it less card intensive than Obey. I wouldn't cram all these models together as some sort of Raptor artillery platform, but you could use it to get some extra AP into your Austringers while keeping cards in your hand to use elsewhere.


On a semi-related note if you plan to bring some hawk throwing pain into Neverborn I'd strongly suggest trying out a Waldgeist or two. They're great at stopping stuff from getting at your Austringers by creating terrain, engaging things and base-blocking. The Austringers can move and shoot through their tree markers at no penalty and target models in engagements without ramdomising if you don't focus. On top of all that they're solid minions in their own right that Lucius can Issue Commands to and get the buff from the Lawyer's aura for commanding presence. 


I fecking love trees.

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It's worth remembering that commanding presence doesn't have the 'non-Austringer' clause and buffs from a Guild Captain or Lawyer can make it less card intensive than Obey. I wouldn't cram all these models together as some sort of Raptor artillery platform, but you could use it to get some extra AP into your Austringers while keeping cards in your hand to use elsewhere.


On a semi-related note if you plan to bring some hawk throwing pain into Neverborn I'd strongly suggest trying out a Waldgeist or two. They're great at stopping stuff from getting at your Austringers by creating terrain, engaging things and base-blocking. The Austringers can move and shoot through their tree markers at no penalty and target models in engagements without ramdomising if you don't focus. On top of all that they're solid minions in their own right that Lucius can Issue Commands to and get the buff from the Lawyer's aura for commanding presence. 


I fecking love trees.


Commanding Presence is useful, but it needs 8+ Card to pass TN13 Horror Duel. So I think it is not good without lawyer or Sergeant than Obey.  

But with them, Commanding Presence is more useful to save resources than Obey (If Austringer can flip 8+ Card by  :+fate buff.)

If Commanding Presence can be used to give AP, Obey can be used to control opponent's models.  


Waldgeists always be very good with Lucius. I like them, too.  

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