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Can you benefit from the same aura coming from the same source more than once?



So this question arose from a good Mei Feng tactics article over in the TT discussion board and so I'm asking in relation to Vent Steam but also as a more general discussion (Vent Steam has been discussed here but I'm not convinced by the answer).  So I'll break it down as I see it:


The rules state that conditions stack if they have :+fate / :-fate next to them, otherwise they don't


However, if something is not a condition then you can benefit from multiple instances of it (the example given in the rulebook is Canine Remains and their -1 Df aura)


Models can have more than one aura that effects others (for example Sebastian and his two different poison auras)



Considering all this does this mean that the same model could put up multiple instances of the same aura which would stack?  I'm thinking about Vent Steam here but I am sure there are other examples of it (Mortimer's shooting Aura springs to mind).  Although the rules don't seem to explicitly state otherwise it seems a bit like 'gaming' the rules to me to have a single source put up multiple instances of the same aura that stack (it doesn't make sense to me that you could sustain the same aura in multiples).

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Conditions will stack if they have  + next to them, for example Burning+1 or Armor+3.

Other conditions don't stack.

Things which aren't conditions will stack even if they have the same name.


Nothing stops Mei Feng from venting steam more than once a turn, so each of those vent steam actions will do something to the models in the Arua.


There is nothing in the rules or the Vent steam ability which stops multiples.


More steam = harder to hit things.

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Is there a reason you don't think the answer given in the thread you link to isn't correct? 


It just seems odd to me that you can have multiple of the same auras coming from the same person.  I guess thinking of RPG Video Games and other systems it's not something that generally happens and just doesn't make thematic sense (in the steam case it does a bit as Adran has pointed out, but that's not going to happen in every instance).

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It just seems odd to me that you can have multiple of the same auras coming from the same person.  I guess thinking of RPG Video Games and other systems it's not something that generally happens and just doesn't make thematic sense (in the steam case it does a bit as Adran has pointed out, but that's not going to happen in every instance).

Can you give an example of a situation where it seems thematically wrong?
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Can you give an example of a situation where it seems thematically wrong?

You could argue that the steam thing could be thematically wrong.  Surely it would just create a bigger cloud of steam which should increase the size of the aura rather than making it more difficult to see through?  The example in the thread that Razhem linked also talked about Night Terrors using Night Falls.  Surely you can only make Night Fall once!  According to the rules it would stack to give Ca action -8 range but there's only one night!  Most games only allow models to benefit from a benefit from a single source with the same name.  Malifaux explicitly calls this out with conditions and :+fate / :-fate stacking and gives the examples of multiple instances of the same aura from different sources.  Unfortunately Justin's input isn't official unless it's in the FAQ so that doesn't help.  Just doesn't sit right with me is all!  It may just be another of Malifaux's rules querks of which there are several but still won't make sense to me even if it's official (but at least it will clear up any arguments one way or the other).

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I think that you are being a bit too literal about the abilities and their effects. For example, Night Falls probably doesn't mean that a Nigh Terror causes the sun to go down but rather that it creates a cloud of darkness. If it spends more time doing it, the darkness gets darker (it obviously isn't pitch darkness at first since it only lowers the range as opposed to messing with LOS.

Imagining a source emitting darkness is a bit tricky since such a thing is obviously outside the experience sphere of any of us, naturally.

Similarly, Vent Steam is a magical effect so the Steam is likely magical as well. If it was mundane steam, it would just count as cover but it affects all Ca actions, not just the ones with the  :ranged icon. Using more magic makes the Steam thicker and more impenetrable.


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